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CS 5330 Assignment 1 QUESTION 1 5 Aside from the smart cell phones used by a billion people list and describe four other types of computers ANSWER 1 Washing Machine Smart Watch Air Conditioner Refrigerator QUESTION 2 7 The seven great ideas in computer architecture are similar to ideas from other fields Match the seven ideas from computer architecture Use abstraction to simplify design Make the common case fast Performance via parallelism Performance via pipelining Performance via prediction Hierarchy of memories and Dependability via redundancy to the following ideas from other fields a Assembly lines in automobile manufacturing ANSWER 1a Performance via pipelining b Suspension bridge cables ANSWER 2b Performance via parallelism c Aircraft and marine navigation systems that incorporate wind information ANSWER 2c Performance via prediction d Express elevators in buildings ANSWER 2d Make the common case fast e Library reserve desk ANSWER 2e Hierarchy of memories f A weather simulation model that runs on a supercomputer divides the simulation into smaller regions and run each region on a different processor ANSWER 2f Dependability via redundancy g Building self driving cars whose control systems partially rely on existing sensor system already installed into the base vehicle such as lane departure systems and smart cruise control systems ANSWER 2g Use abstraction to simplify design QUESTION 3 8 Assume a color display using 8 bits for each of the primary colors red green blue per pixel and a frame size of 1280 x 1024 a What is the minimum size in bytes of the frame buffer to store a frame ANSWER 3a No of Pixels 1280x1024 13 10 720 No of Bytes per Pixels 1 Red 1 Green 1 Blue 3 Bytes Minimum Size in Bytes 3x13 10 720 39 32 160 Bytes a a b How long would it take at a minimum for the frame to be sent over a 100 Mbit s network ANSWER 3b No of bits 39 32 160 Bytes x 8 Bit per Bytes 3 14 57 280 Bit Time Takes 3 14 57 280 Bit 100 MBit s 3 14 57 280 Bit 100 x 10 00 000 Bit s 0 3145728 seconds QUESTION 4 16 Assume a 15 cm diameter wafer has a cost of 12 contains 84 dies and has 0 020 defects cm2 Assume a 20 cm diameter wafer has a cost of 15 contains 100 dies and has 0 031 defects cm2 a Find the yield for both wafers ANSWER 4a Die Area Wafer Area Die Per Wafer Die Area 1 pie 15 15 4x84 3 14 225 336 2 1 cm2 Die Area 2 pie 20 20 4 100 3 14 cm2 Yeild 1 1 Defects per area Die area 2 2 Yeild1 1 1 0 02x2 1 2 2 1 1 0 021 2 1 1 042441 0 95928 1 1 0 048 2 1 1 099 0 909 Yeild2 1 1 0 031x3 14 2 2 b Find the cost per die for both wafers ANSWER 4b Cost per Die 1 12 84 0 95928 12 80 57952 0 14892 Cost per Die 2 15 0 909x100 15 90 9 0 165 Cost per die Cost per wafer Dies per wafer Yield c If the number of dies per wafer is increased by 10 and the defects per area unit increases by 15 find the die area and yield ANSWER 4c Die Area Wafer Area Die Per Wafer Yeild 1 1 Defects per area Die area 2 2 Die Area dieA Wafer Area waferA Die per Wafer dieW Defects per area defectA New dies per Wafer 1dieW 10 100 dieW 1 1 dieW Die Area Wafer Area Die Per Wafer New Die Area Wafer Area New dies per Wafer Wafer Area 1 1 dieW New Die Area Old Die Area 1 1 Old Die Area 1 2 1 cm2 Old Die Area 2 3 14 cm2 New Die Area 1 2 1 1 1 1 909 cm2 New Die Area 2 3 14 1 1 2 854 cm2 New Defects per area defectA 15 100 defectA 1 15 defectA New Yeild 1 1 New Die Area x New Defects per area 2 2 New Yeild 1 1 Old Die Area 1 1 x 1 15 defectA 2 2 New Yeild 1 1 1 15 2 2 x Old Die Area x defectA 2 New Yeild 1 1 0 5227 x dieA x defectA 2 Defect Per Area 1 0 020 defects cm2 Defect Per Area 2 0 031 defects cm2 New Yield 1 1 1 0 5227 x 0 02 x 2 1 2 1 1 0 02195 2 1 1 026565 2 0 9575 d Assume a fabrication process improves the yield from 0 92 to 0 95 Find the defects per area unit for each version of the technology given a die area of 200mm2 ANSWER 4d New Yield 2 1 1 0 5227 x 3 14 x 0 031 2 0 9055 Yeild 1 1 Defects per area Die area 2 2 1 Defects per area Die area 2 sqrt 1 yield Defects per area 2 x sqrt 1 yield 1 Die area Defects per area 2 x sqrt 1 0 92 1 200 x 10 4 2 x 1 0425 1 2 x 10 2 0 0425 defects cm2 Defects per area 2 x sqrt 1 0 95 1 200 x 10 4 2 x 1 0259 1 2 x 10 2 0 0259 defects cm2 QUESTION 5 10 Consider two different implementations of the same instruction set architecture The instructions can be divided into four classes according to their CPI class A B C and D P1 with a clock rate of 2 5 GHz and CPIs of 1 2 3 and 3 and P2 with a clock rate of 3 GHz and CPIs of 2 2 2 and 2 Given a program with a dynamic instruction count of 1 0E6 instructions divided into classes as follows 10 class A 20 class B 50 class C and 20 class D which is faster P1 or P2 ANSWER 5 CPU Time Instruction Count CPI Clock Cycle Time Instruction Count CPI Clock Rate Total Instructions count 1000000 ClassA Instructions count 100000 ClassB Instructions count 200000 ClassC Instructions count 500000 ClassD Instructions count 200000 CPU Time P1 ClassA Instructions count x P1 CPI A ClassB Instructions count x P1 CPI B ClassC Instructions count x P1 CPI C ClassD Instructions count x P1 CPI D Clock rate P1 100000x1 200000x2 500000x3 200000x3 2 5x10 9 1 4 15 6 25000 26 25000 1 04 x 10 3 s CPU Time P2 ClassA Instructions count x P2 CPI A ClassB Instructions count x P2 CPI B ClassC Instructions count x P2 CPI C ClassD Instructions count x P2 CPI D Clock rate P1 100000x2 200000x2 500000x2 200000x2 3x10 9 2 4 10 4 30000 20 30000 0 667 x 10 3 s CPU P2 is faster that CPU P1 a What is the global CPI for each implementation ANSER 5a Global Instruction Count P1 1 x 10 2 x 20 3 x 50 3 x 20 100 Global Instruction Count P2 2 x 10 2 x …

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