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MAPUA UNIVERSITY School of Industrial Engineering Engineering Management Rating Activity 4 INSERTING MAILER IN AN ENVELOPE Making the Time Study Elemental Analysis and Determining Number of Cycles This study source was downloaded by 100000866039843 from CourseHero com on 04 26 2023 08 04 53 GMT 05 00 1 https www coursehero com file 124284851 LAB4docx MAKING THE TIME STUDY INSERTING MAILER IN AN Elemental Analysis and Determining Number of Cycles Activity 4 ENVELOPE ACTIVITY OBJECTIVES 1 To understand the process of dividing the job being studied into elements 2 To develop skills in recording the observed time using snap back method 3 To apply the knowledge of determining the required number of cycles 30 pieces of mailers used bond paper yellow paper 10 pieces of letter envelope Stopwatch Timing device MATERIALS PROCEDURES 1 2 3 1 2 Each group shall perform the activity The job begins when the student reaches for the first mailer with the right hand and place it in the left hand Then he will get the second mailer and place it on top of the first mailer Then he will reach for the last mailer and place it on top of the second mailer After all the pages were taken both hands will tap the stack three times against the table The mailers shall be folded from the top to the one third mark by the left hand and be pleated with the right hand From the bottom shall be folded to the one third mark and be pleated with the left hand The right hand shall then get the envelope and the left hand puts the mailers inside Both hands will seal the envelope The sealed envelope shall be placed on the stack at the right of the work area Prior to performance of said activity each group shall arrange all the materials in their specified work area work elements and write them in Form 1 1 3 By using Form 1 2 record the time per element of the 10 observations 4 Determine the average observed selected time per element 5 Compute for the required number of cycles per element at 98 confidence level and Based on the above activity determine the 5 maximum error DATA PRESENTATION Refer to Data Sheet Form This study source was downloaded by 100000866039843 from CourseHero com on 04 26 2023 08 04 53 GMT 05 00 2 https www coursehero com file 124284851 LAB4docx This study source was downloaded by 100000866039843 from CourseHero com on 04 26 2023 08 04 53 GMT 05 00 3 https www coursehero com file 124284851 LAB4docx ANALYSIS 1 What problem s arise s in breaking the operation into elements With this activity the problem in breaking the operation into elements is the meticulousness of analyzing the procedures being used so that those elements can be timed and examined Given with this activity some elements can be overlooked given the fact that it is simple such as the use of hand operations in reaching the mailers and envelopes which can cause problems and inaccuracies if these simple elements left unchecked to be examined with time study 2 What difficulties were encountered in reading and recording time values per element Given with this class setting the difficulty that we encountered is the fact that we can t record it in real time With the video our group came up with doing the task the time recording was made in terms of what s presented in the video which we conducted accurately enough but still the results would be better if the time recording process was done simultaneously while doing the task 3 Are ten 10 observations sufficient for the activity performed If no why The observation of 10 cycles is not sufficient because based on the computed number of cycles in each element we need more than 10 cycles or observation The 10 observation is not enough to make assumptions or conclusion on determining the normal time and standard time for the operation CONCLUSION To identify the required number of cycles of mail inserting inside the envelop the student conducts a experiment to identify the required number of cycle There are 10 observations that happen during the experiment The students used a timer that can control both continuous and snap back recording methods To record the time they used a smartphone app To conclude this experiment the required number of cycles were identified However having just 10 observations is not enough to give sufficient result from the experiment This study source was downloaded by 100000866039843 from CourseHero com on 04 26 2023 08 04 53 GMT 05 00 4 https www coursehero com file 124284851 LAB4docx MAPUA UNIVERSITY School of Industrial Engineering MAKING THE TIME STUDY Elemental Analysis Job Operation Name of Operator Mailer Inserting Robin Torres in an Envelope Form 1 1 DATA PRESENTATION envelope sMailer Element Number 1 2 3 4 5 Sketch of the Workplace Description Starting And Ending Points Starts The right hand picks up three mailers Ends All three mailers are stacked in the left hand Starts Hold the three mailers with both hands Ends The three mailers are tapped with both hands Starts The three mailers are folded from the top Ends The three mailers are folded from the bottom Starts The right hand picks up an unsealed envelope Ends The folded mailers are inserted in the unsealed envelope Starts The envelope is sealed Ends The sealed envelope is placed in the right of the unsealed envelope This study source was downloaded by 100000866039843 from CourseHero com on 04 26 2023 08 04 53 GMT 05 00 5 https www coursehero com file 124284851 LAB4docx MAPUA UNIVERSITY School of Industrial Engineering MAKING THE TIME STUDY Determining the Observed Time Job Operation Name of Operator Mailer Inserting Robin Torres in an Envelope Time Study Sheet Form 1 2 Element No Description 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Selected Time Required No of Cycles 08 59 15 11 06 55 14 04 08 49 07 24 10 92 09 82 07 89 05 38 9 40 244 1 2 3 4 5 Starts The right hand picks up three mailers Ends All three mailers are stacked in the left hand Starts Hold the three mailers with both hands Ends The three mailers are tapped with both hands Starts The three mailers are folded from the top Ends The three mailers are folded from the bottom Starts The right hand picks up an unsealed envelope Ends The folded mailers are inserted in the unsealed envelope Starts The envelope is sealed Ends The sealed envelope is placed in the right of the 02 75 02 70 02 08 02 73 02 45 03 35 03 54 04 38 03 58 02 46 3 00 116 08 76 09 03 07 62 06 53 06 53 11 19 08 25 07 53 07 29 06 68 7 94 72 11 15 12 22 12 92 08 73 10 66 06 46 09 59 08 40 05 48 05 50 9 11 189 03 50

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