SPAN 150 Questions Review and Sample Questions for Final Interview By Karen P P rez Department of Spanish and Portuguese Revised Fall 2020 Final Oral Interview Purpose To give you the opportunity to speak Spanish in a specific social context To evaluate you in the acquisition and use of Spanish in the interpersonal mode How it works The final oral interview will consist of a one on one conversation with your instructor It will be conducted at the end of the semester and you will be evaluated with regard to the expected proficiency level 150 of students in the course The interview will last 8 minutes Final Oral Interview Criteria for Evaluation Also found in Blackboard Course Documents and Evaluation Criteria Role Play Oral Interview Criteria Continued on next slide Final Oral Interview Criteria for Evaluation Cont What tenses students should know for SPAN 150 Present tense Preterite all regulars and irregulars Imperfect Commands formal and informal Questions will cover vocabulary from chapters 6 through 10 Questions could be on any of the above tenses REVIEW How to ask questions and how to answer Palabras interrogativas The choice between qu and cu l depends on syntax Qu What Used with ser is are for Explanations when asking for explanations Qu quieres looking for an explanation as the answer Definitions Qu es palta Normally used before nouns Qu vino quieres Cu l Cu les Which sometimes what Used mostly with ser is are when you are not looking for a definition Cu l es tu nombre When selecting from a group Cu l prefieres el gorro azul o el rojo Cannot be used when the next word in the question is a noun For those questions use qu instead What wine do you prefer Cu l vino quieres No Qu vino quieres S Palabras interrogativas A qu hora At what time C mo How Por qu Why Para qu what for Qui n es Who Whom D nde Where Ad nde Where to De d nde from where Cu ndo When Cu nto a How much be careful with gender number Cu ntos as How many be careful with gender number Para interactuar Dudas En serio Really C mo What how do you say C mo dice s What how do you say Est s seguro Are you sure Contexto positivo Incre ble unbelievable No me diga s You don t say Qu sorpresa What a surprise De veras Really De verdad For real Qu interesante How interesting Buena idea Good idea S tiene s raz n Yes you re right S es verdad True Estoy de acuerdo I agree Contexto negativo No estoy de acuerdo I disagree No mire mira No look S pero d jeme d jame decir que Yes but let me tell you that A ver espere espera Let s see wait Ay no Oh no No es posible It s not possible No puede ser It can t be Ay no me diga s Oh do not tell me Ay qu mal That s bad Ay lo siento Oh I m sorry Ay qu pena Oh what a shame what a pity How to prepare Review the conjugations for present past and imperfect Use your textbook and any handouts your instructor may have given you Study the vocabulary for the chapter One chapter at a time You find the vocabulary at the end of the chapter but also in some sections throughout the chapter Go through the chapter reviewing all sections with questions and practice Review commands Formal usted ustedes and informal t Remember that commands mandatos are used whenever you are giving commands but also when giving advice consejos or recommendations Don t forget to also review the IPAs Interpersonal sections There are some dialogs there too Libro de texto Preguntas de pr ctica There are several places for you to review and prepare for this interview Below are some ideas Your questions may be similar The exercises below are designed to help you practice These are not the actual questions 1 Don t forget to review your tenses vocabulary first before each ch 2 Review the yellow boxes additional voc throughout the chapter A comer cap 6 p 162A p 163C paso 1 p 166 paso 2 p 171 paso 2 p 172A p 173D 177C y D 194 Despu s de leer Recuerdos y nostalgia cap 7 p 194 Paso 2 p 199G 202A Review imperfect structure p 203D y E paso 1 p 211D p212 paso 1 p 216A La ropa y la moda cap 8 p 227C p 231B p 233 reciclaje p 239F 242C p 243 Antes de leer Ad nde te gustar a viajar cap 9 p 253A y B pasos 1 2 3 p 257 E 259 I 263 paso 2 p 269 paso 3 p 271 p 272B y C p 274 E p 276 paso 1 p 279 Antes de escribir you can practice this orally p 280 La vida profesional cap 10 p 292F p 297C p 307 E p 308 Antes de leer you can practice this orally p 309 paso 1 p 313 Despu s de ver you don t need to view the film to answer these questions as oral practice Algunas preguntas de pr ctica Be careful with the verbal tense 1 Qu comiste hoy Hoy com un 2 Cu l es tu restaurante favorito Mi restaurante favorito es 3 Qu comida te gusta comer todos los d as Me gusta comer 4 Qu tipo de comida preparas o compras cuando haces una fiesta Yo no preparo nada Yo compro pizza 5 Qu hiciste el fin de semana pasado Fui a Estudi en con etc 6 Qu vas a hacer el pr ximo fin de semana Voy a ir a la playa 7 Cuando eras ni o a cu l era tu restaurante favorito Mi restaurante favorito era XXXXXXX porque me gustaba comer 8 Qu consejos advice le das a un amigo que quiere un buen trabajo Consejos Commands amigo informal Escribe tu curr culum haz una cita con la compa a llena la solicitud etc The above are only sample questions go through your textbook and begin reviewing all the sections with dialogs questions and practice Pr ctica extra Cap tulo 10 D nde viajaste la ltima vez Viaj a Qu tipo de transporte usaste Viaj por avi n En qu tipo de hotel te quedaste Me qued en Qu comodidades ten a Hab a A C Etc Voy a construir un hotel Voy a construir un hotel TU MEJOR VIAJE Habla con tu compa ero a sobre el mejor viaje de tu vida D nde fuiste Cu ndo Con qui n Qu tipo de transporte usaste D nde te quedaste Qu ropa llevaste Qu comiste Qu hiciste Un problema que tuviste TUS CONSEJOS advice If the prompt question includes give advice da consejos you must use commands PARA UN AMIGO usa mandatos informales PARA El PROFESOR DESCONOCIDO someone you don t know usa mandatos formales For Fall 2020 only informal commands Por ejemplo Qu hago para obtener un buen empleo Amigo informal forma t en presente drop the s …
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