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Pr ctica para el examen oral 1 SPAN 150 By Prof Karen P P rez 150 FROM YOUR SYLLABUS Conversation with Partner 5 of your grade Purpose To give you the opportunity to speak Spanish in a specific social context To evaluate you in the acquisition and use of Spanish in the interpersonal mode How it works You will be required to participate in one short oral conversation with a partner This conversation will be presented in front of your instructor The oral conversation will last 8 minutes 4 minutes per student The dates for the conversation are listed on the schedule The topics of the conversation will NOT be announced beforehand however they will be based on the topics covered in class ch 6 comida ch 7 d as festivos ch 8 la ropa y la moda WHAT DETERMINES MY GRADE All instructors use the following rubric to determine your grade WHAT DETERMINES MY GRADE Cont How do I prepare How do I prepare You may use this PowerPoint as a guide to review but use your textbook to study o We covered ch 6 Comida y restaurante ch 7 Los recuerdos y la nostalgia D as festivos ch 8 La ropa y la moda The oral exam will cover this vocabulary o We have also learned past tense preterite and imperfect So study them Don t forget to review your present tense too Review each chapter s vocabulary and expressions qu padre etc review your conjugations in present past and imperfect and go through your textbook looking for conversation activities to practice those activities that are identified with a red icon with 2 or 3 people After you study your vocabulary and conjugations you may want to practice with your partner not required but recommended You can email your partner via Blackboard or exchange emails during class time You can also practice with friends from other Spanish classes 150 or above only As time allows you may also be able to practice with your instructor during class time The following are some conversation ideas for you to review practice after you studied your vocabulary conjugations and other expressions from your textbook Cap 6 A comer Algunas expresiones Cap 6 A comer Cap 6 A comer Cap 6 A comer Cap 6 A comer Cap 6 A comer Cap 6 A comer Cap 6 A comer Cap 7 Algunas expresiones Cap 7 Los recuerdos y la nostalgia Cap 7 Los recuerdos y la nostalgia Cap 7 Los recuerdos y la nostalgia Cap 7 Los recuerdos y la nostalgia Cap 7 Los recuerdos y la nostalgia Cap 7 Los recuerdos y la nostalgia Cap 8 Algunas expresiones Cap 8 La ropa y la moda Cap 8 La ropa y la moda Cap 8 La ropa y la moda Conversaci n Imperfecto Conversaci n Imperfecto Don t forget to use some of these as you see fit

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USC SPAN 150 - Práctica para el examen oral 1

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