Question 1 a Pittsburgh s Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company transmitted the first scheduled broadcast on Nov 2 1920 under the call sign KDKA after initially starting as 8ZZ b The station s carrier frequency was 545 kHz and its transmit power was 100 W c It does exist today it has a carrier frequency of 1020 kHz and its transmit power is 50 kW Question 2 Using the formula c f and L 2 a The minimum antenna length is 1 42 m b The minimum antenna length is 6 2 cm c The minimum antenna length is 2 5 mm Question 3 a b The BPF ranges from 995 kHz to 1005 kHz Question 4 The transmitted signal is 011 since the signal is 1 at the 0th second and 1 at both the first and second seconds Question 5 Question 6 a The higher the noise power level the harder it is to distinguish between 1s and 0s because there are more errors and vice versa b No the receiver did not make any errors c i Noise Power 0 BER 0 ii SNR 5 Noise Power 0 2W BER 0 0005 iii SNR 1 Noise Power 1W BER 0 0796 According to the results using an SNR of 5 would be most reasonable as the BER 0 0005 is much lower than using an SNR of 1 where the BER is 0 0796
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