BIOL 110 Basic Concepts and Biodiversity Learning Guide Tutorial The Biology of Fungi I In this tutorial we will be exploring the fascinating fungi Read the questions below before you begin reading the tutorial Then as you read the tutorial fill in your answers to help you prepare for our class session In addition to the questions below as you read through the tutorial ask yourself what did I learn on this page Before our class session answer the following questions from the online tutorial 1 Describe the diversity and basic characteristics of organisms in the Kingdom Fungi 2 What is the fungal mode of metabolism 3 Think back to our carbon and life tutorial 3 when we discussed carbohydrates How is the composition of fungal cell walls different from most other eukaryotic organisms What polysaccharide is present and what is its purpose 4 What is the difference between hyphae and mycelia Using the information from your tutorials about fungal anatomy explain how the structure of mycelia is ideal for the fungal mode of metabolism 5 What characters support the classification of fungi and plants in different kingdoms 6 If fungi colonized land before plants where might the fungi have lived How would their food sources have differed from what they feed on today hint there would have been no plants or animals present 7 When would you expect fungi to reproduce sexually versus asexually Explain your answer in no more than two sentences 8 What is the predominant ploidy level of fungi 9 Define the following terms and be able to recognize when they occur if given a diagram of a fungal life cycle Plasmogamy Karyogamy Dikaryon Heterokaryon Note Although you will not have to memorize each of the fungal life cycles individually you should be familiar with Any structures and or processes unique to a particular fungal phylum The general fungal life cycle as presented in this tutorial 10 What is the distinguishing characteristic of the chytrid fungi Do any other fungi have this characteristic 11 Microsporidian infections are mainly seen in people who have compromised immune systems What could cause a compromised immune system Why are infectious diseases such as this referred to as opportunistic diseases 12 Look at the diagram in the tutorial that shows the sexual and asexual production of spores for the zygomycete life cycle What is the reproductive structure that is unique to the zygomycete fungi When is this structure formed 13 Members of the Glomeromycota are characterized by their ability to form an arbuscular structure How is this structure used and why are mycorrhizae ecologically important hint see environmental impacts of fungi section of this tutorial as well to help answer this question What type of symbiotic relationship is this 14 Does having mycorrhizae benefit a plant EXPERIMENT Researchers grew soybean plants in soil treated with fungicide to prevent the formation of mycorrhizae in the experimental group A control group was exposed to fungi that formed mycorrhizae in the soybean plants roots If your hypothesis is that mycorrhizae benefit the plant what would you predict to see in the experimental group compared to the control group A The group treated with fungicide will show more growth than the control group B The group treated with fungicide will show less growth than the control group C There will be no difference in growth between the two groups D Plants cannot survive without mycorrhizae 15 What organisms comprise a lichen Why are lichens considered pioneer species What type of relationship exists among the different organisms within a lichen 16 List what concepts or ideas from this tutorial are new to you During our class session work with your peers LAs and instructor to answer the following questions 1 Select all that apply about fungi Fungi can be A Predators B Decomposers C Saprobes D Symbionts E Absorptive heterotrophs F Chemoheterotrophs G Photoautotrophs 2 Explain how the body of the fungus is adapted for its mode of nutrition 3 Draw out the general life cycle of fungi to help you compare and contrast the production of spores in the sexual and asexual life cycles of fungi In your answer include the terms mitosis meiosis diploid and haploid plasmogamy karyogamy dikaryon Mycelium n 4 Which process occurs in fungi that results in the fusion of two nuclei and has the opposite effect on the number of chromosomes in the resulting nucleus than does meiosis I A mitosis B plasmogamy C crossing over D binary fission E karyogamy 5 A research team is investigating the life cycle of the basidiomycota a type of fungus that forms dikaryotic cells during reproduction They collect three cell samples from their fungal culture measure each sample s relative DNA concentration and summarize the data in a bar chart shown below Using your knowledge of the various types of fungal ploidy which sample s do you suspect are haploid dikaryotic and diploid If you feel more than one answer is possible for a choice explain how you would tell which type is correct assume you have a microscope readily available 6 Mycorrhizal networks have wide implications for ecology evolution and sustainable agriculture Please read through the background information and answer the questions below A B Almost all land plants are connected together by an underground network of symbiotic fungi called mycorrhizae There are thousands of different species of these symbiotic soil fungi which entangle plants roots living between and within their cells A spider web of tiny fragile fungal cells tunnel through the soil linking all of the plants together The fungi draw carbohydrates from the plants carbon picked up during photosynthesis and passed from CO2 into sugar and other organic compounds and the plants in turn collect nutrients and water from the fungi As much as 80 of a plant s nitrogen and phosphorous plus minerals like copper iron potassium zinc calcium and sulfur can come from the mycorrhizae 6A If a plant has mycorrhizae where might carbon that enters the plant s stomata as CO2 eventually be deposited in the plant the fungus or both Can different plant species share their resources with each other via mycorrhizae Explain Some plants can transport warning signals through the mycorrhizal network Gilbert Johnson 2016 If a plant is attacked by herbivorous insects like aphids it can warn other nearby plants using the mycorrhizal network These nearby plants can use VOCs volatile organic compounds that plants can release
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