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COMP 915 Technical Communication Course Planning Part 2 Portions courtesy Fred Brooks Jim Anderson Samarjit Don Porter Chakraborty 1 COMP 915 Technical Communication Course Planning First context We can talk about planning w r t the course you teach at UNC less interesting or a course you may teach in the real world more interesting Two possibilities a teaching college a research university What are your expectations regarding teaching load How long do you think it takes to prep a new class Comp 915 Spring 2014 Planning 2 COMP 915 Technical Communication Course Planning How to determine how much can be covered in a semester Look at syllabi created by people you trust Search the web and see what s covered at other schools Guess I can guess pretty accurately based on slide count Keep records right The first time you teach a class you may not get it completely Comp 915 Spring 2014 Planning 3 COMP 915 Technical Communication Syllabus Forces you to think about the practicalities of the course it s a contract How much time lectures homework studying Contents schedule special rules evaluation criteria More details the better it is Should help students understand what is expected from them UNC prescribes a lot of content 4 COMP 915 Technical Communication Course Policies Parenting 101 You get the behavior you reward So what behavior do you want Trying again on an assignment learning from mistakes Gary Bishop would give half credit on a resubmitted assignment for all missed questions Self management of minor scheduling conflicts I give 72 late hours with no penalty raises threshold of issues I handle Students helping other students Group assignments effective bonus for working alone or not 5 COMP 915 Technical Communication Textbook and Reading Materials Textbook or not What is the course Compile chapters from multiple textbooks Cost of the textbook Consider older editions or delta in a newer revision Assign reading materials judiciously 6 COMP 915 Technical Communication Course Planning How many exams One midterm is too stressful Good to have first midterm by drop day Avoid major religious holidays and for graduate courses perhaps major conference deadlines too Specifically consider holy days of obligation Make a plan in advance for missed exams My strategy on a big boo boo I usually ask for all conflicts by 2nd week of the class possibly move Ask students to make up exam early why If a student doesn t come at all average other exams why Comp 915 Spring 2014 Planning 7 COMP 915 Technical Communication Other issues Course Planning What can you assume about student background Do you teach to the A students the B students the C students What are your goals How do your goals affect planning How does your course fit within the broader course sequence Why would this be an issue Advice Teach the prereq course to your usual course Should a project be required Powerpoint or white board Record lectures whiteboard contents or not Comp 915 Spring 2014 Planning 8 A Basic Planning Model From Teaching at Carolina A Handbook for Instructors COMP 915 Technical Communication What is the place of this course in the curriculum What kinds of skills and levels of knowledge can you expect of students Teaching at UNC is probably different from both MIT and App State How do you want students to be different by the end of the class Research has shown that factual content beyond the final exam is lost within a What themes fundamental principles or synthesizing ideas does the What are the major instructional units which the course naturally What kinds of learning experiences seems appropriate for students to master the course goals and objectives How will you evaluate student achievement Planning 9 Comp 915 Spring 2014 few weeks course involve divides COMP 915 Technical Communication Topological Sort B A on some way Different topics invariably related by dependencies D Think hard about how to do a topological sort to create a E linear ordering Think hard about the rate at which complexity should be exposed D A B C C E Comp 915 Spring 2014 Planning 10

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UNC-Chapel Hill COMP 915 - Course Planning, Part 2

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