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COMP 211 002 Bakita Final Exam Study Guide UNC Chapel Hill Spring 2023 Overview Logistics The final exam in this class comprehensively tests your understanding of the core aspects of this course with particular emphasis on practical takeaways such as a strong ability to program in C and an understanding of how systems principles influence how you program and design software in any language As stated in the syllabus a double sided sheet of letter paper and a paper copy of The C Programming Language are allowed for reference Additionally for this exam you are allowed a calculator however questions will not require or expect it Seats will be assigned with seat assignments posted at the front of the classroom Arrive early to get your seat assignment and exam this will allow you to start promptly at 12 PM The format of the exam will be very similar to the midterms and will be composed mostly of multiple choice questions As this is a comprehensive final exam it will be longer than either midterm Midterm 1 took students 50 minutes to turn in on average whereas midterm 2 took students 56 minutes We expect the final exam to take under two hours on average For those with university approved extended time accommodations from ARS you are welcome to take the exam at ARS or in SN314 the office hours room Per the syllabus The course final is given in compliance with UNC final exam regulations and according to the UNC Final Exam calendar UNC s policy states Students who are absent from an examination receive a course grade of AB absent which is equivalent to F zero quality points or FA absent and failing regardless of performance on the final examination When students are unable for reasons clearly beyond their control to take a traditional final examination at the scheduled time they can be excused only by the director of Campus Health Services or their academic dean who can issue an examination excuse An absence may be excused for severe health problems leading to the student s placement on the Infirmary List by either Campus Health Services or Counseling and Psychological Services for significant personal or family circumstances for religious observances required by the student s faith for a scheduling conflict involving multiple examinations at the same time or when a student has three or more final examinations scheduled in 24 hours In cases of illness personal or family emergency or religious observance additional documentation may be required by the dean Primary holy days for religious observances are noted on a Web based interfaith calendar site Students are responsible for providing the course instructor and the dean a written request for an excused absence from a final exam for a religious observance or for a scheduling conflict involving multiple examinations no later than the last day of classes Students must be given the opportunity to make up final exams missed due to an excused absence University Catalog 1 This list of topics follows what we covered in class and in assignments with each topic or topical section annotated with the associated class or assignment number s Please consult the course webpage to resolve a class number to an associated reading Potential Exam Topics Note that the slides are not intended as the primary source of information By only reviewing the slides you may miss many things only covered on the blackboards in class I would foremost encourage you to review your notes from class but all lecture recordings are posted and you may find those helpful for classes you don t have notes on Note the the first two subsections of this section are largely copies of the Midterm 1 and Midterm 2 Study Guides First Third Topics C Topics Basic C program layout Where do helper functions need to be declared How do I declare a main function Preprocessor What define does What include does When does the preprocessor run printf Use format specifiers to print formatted data Use of multiple format specifiers Basic format specifier for strings characters decimals and floating point numbers Strings How does C represent strings in memory Given a hexadecimal representation of bytes in memory ability to translate this into printable characters using the ASCII table What are strings terminated by How can you determine a string s length manually struct Given a struct definition how big is it at minimum before accounting for Given a block of memory representing a struct which byte and or bit corresponds compiler induced padding to which field How do I access struct fields How do I declare a struct type How do I declare a variable of a struct type How can I trace through code using structs similarly to the in class examples union 2 Given a union definition how big is it at minimum before accounting for Given a block of memory representing a union which byte and or bit corresponds compiler induced padding to which field How do I access union fields How do I declare a union type How do I declare a variable of a union type How can I trace through code using unions similarly to the in class examples After assigning data to one field how is that data accessible via other fields How to use this to create aliases for types typedef enum program Types How do I declare an enum type How can I use the names declared in my enum as constants in other parts of the What is the integer representation of an enum name How many bits in a byte How many bytes in a uint64 t uint32 t uint16 t uint8 t or char How do I declare variables of primitive types int float long etc How do I declare pointer variables i e variables that just store a memory What happens when I use an operator on two differently sized integer types address Arrays How do I declare a fixed size array on the stack How can I read or write to array members How can I initialize array members with the syntax Pointers using the syntax How can I access the memory located at the address stored in a pointer variable What does the operator do When passing data to a function what is the difference between pass by value and pass by reference What are the reasons for using each What are common steps to read or write data to a file in C Including open and Input Output I O close Bitwise operators How can I read bytes from a file How can I determine how many bytes were read What do and each do How do I perform simple bitwise operations by hand Other operators and control flow 3 What are some common mistakes regarding the order of operations Ex Comparison

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UNC-Chapel Hill COMP 211 - Final Exam Study Guide

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