shared via CourseHero com This study resource was This study source was downloaded by 100000817904029 from CourseHero com on 11 22 2021 02 06 00 GMT 06 00 https www coursehero com file 115396933 FS2 LE9docx FS2 Learning Episode 9 Activity Firmeza Labo MaternalCREATING MY CLASSROOM REMOTE LEARNING MANAGEMENT PLANEpisode 9 Participate and AssistInstructionsAfter realizing the different elements and steps of a classroom remotemanagement plan you are now ready to make your own plan which you canimplement in your classroom remote learning You may request a copy of theClassroom Remote Learning Management Plan of your Resource Teacher or youmay surf the internet for more samples examples to guide you in creating yourplan Be guided with the guide questions for each of the elements Follow thesereminders in writing your plan State your plan positively Use simple specific terms Use measurable and observable behaviors Convey expected behaviors My Classroom Management PlanPhilosophical Statement Every student can learn Just not on the same day or in the same way GeorgeEvansAs a teacher I consider the differences of my students every learner is uniquetherefore I must create a conducive classroom environment where learners candevelop physically mentally emotionally and socially It is my aspiration tocreate this kind of learning environment where students can meet their desiresand learn eagerly I will also provide my students a safe environment where theycan freely share their thoughts feelings or problems for them to be convenientand develop friendship among their classmates Classroom Rules and Procedures Raise your hand to speak To avoid noise and interrupt the class discussion2 Contribute to discussion To ensure that everyone learned the lesson3 Maintain Your Work Ethic and Always Try Your Best To make a positive impactFS2 LE9 MATERNAL shared via CourseHero com This study resource was This study source was downloaded by 100000817904029 from CourseHero com on 11 22 2021 02 06 00 GMT 06 00 https www coursehero com file 115396933 FS2 LE9docx through our decisions and actions in classroom and towards others4 Respect your teacher and classmates it helps promote positive culture insidethe classroom5 Keep our classroom clean to minimize the distractions that can take the mindof students away from learningTeacher Student RelationshipsIn building relationships with my students I consider the following factors 1 Quality Time with students I will schedule a one on one session with mystudents to get to know them better and listen to their problems whether atschool or at home or and address their needs 2 Use positive communication techniques As a teacher I will cultivate asoothing voice when communicating to my students I will also providepositive feedback for their activities and performance and encourage themto be better and better As a teacher it is also important to show respect toyour students and in return they will respect you 3 Welcoming and friendly environment Start a class with greetings andIcebreakers questions to help create a warm classroom culture Schedules and TimeframesTimeMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday8 00 to8 30 AMGeneralAssemblyHomeroomPeriodGeneralAssemblyHomeroomPeriodGeneralAssembly8 30 to8 30 AMFirst PeriodFirst PeriodFirst PeriodFirst PeriodFirst Period9 30 to10 00 AMBreak Time10 00 to11 30 AMSecondPeriodSecondPeriodSecondPeriodSecondPeriodSecondPeriod11 30 to1 00 PMLunch BreakFS2 LE9 MATERNAL shared via CourseHero com This study resource was This study source was downloaded by 100000817904029 from CourseHero com on 11 22 2021 02 06 00 GMT 06 00 https www coursehero com file 115396933 FS2 LE9docx 1 00 to2 00 PMThird PeriodThird PeriodThird PeriodThird PeriodThirdPeriod2 00 to3 00 PMConsultationPeriodRed asynchronous Green synchronous Classroom Structure Design and Arrangements Sitting arrangement must be alternate boys girls boys girls to avoidnoise Desks should be arranged to allow students to easily interact with eachother and cooperatively complete group tasks Encouraging quotes and verses must be present to motivate students Bulletin boards with reminders and achievements of students to inform andmotivate them List of classroom routines and procedures and expectations must bepresent Bookshelves and reading area must be comfortable for studentsClassroom Safety Rules and Procedures1 Walk do not run in the hall or stairways To avoid accidents and injuries2 Keep to the right on corridors and on stairways By walking on the right theFS2 LE9 MATERNAL shared via CourseHero com This study resource was This study source was downloaded by 100000817904029 from CourseHero com on 11 22 2021 02 06 00 GMT 06 00 https www coursehero com file 115396933 FS2 LE9docx individual can avoid possible head on collision with others coming fromopposite directions 3 Keep classroom aisles clear For everyone freely move inside the classroomand avoid accidents 4 Don t go to unauthorized places There are places that intended forpersonnel only and not for students 5 Abide by school rules of proper conductStrategies for Rewards and Consequences Rewards for students following classroom rules1 Digital Stickers2 Compliments and additional Points for positive behavior3 Titles line leader awardsPunishments for misbehavior1 Call for parent or guardian2 Sending him her to counselor s office3 Community ServiceA NoticeAfter reading and reviewing the classroom remote learning managementplan from different sources and creating your own plan answer the followingquestions 1 What salient components have you noted We noticed the teacher student relationship for this is one of the veryparts of the classroom management plan Building a relationship with yourstudent has a great impact on their learning Another one is the classroomrules and procedure because it is the backbone of the classroom and it setsthe mood of the classroom environment 2 Why is there a need to utilize the information to create yourclassroom management plan It is important to utilize information in creating classroommanagement plan because it affects the student s ability to learn and ourability to teach Most importantly a well managed classroom has a positiveimpact on students academic success FS2 LE9 MATERNAL shared via CourseHero com This study resource was This study source was downloaded by 100000817904029 from CourseHero com on 11 22 2021 02 06 00 GMT 06 00 https www coursehero com file 115396933 FS2 LE9docx 3 What were the significant things
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