Pro Growth Midterm Questions With Exact Answers Research utilization Right Ans The use of findings from research in a practice setting Research related activities Right Ans participate in a journal club attend research presentations at conferences evaluate completed research develop an idea for a clinical study review a proposed research plan Assist researchers in getting info discuss implications and relevance of findings Florence Nightingale Right Ans founder of the modern nursing profession Nursing research began and emotional and physical well being study Qualitative studies Right Ans Word tables or diagrams describing inferences Quantitative studies Right Ans Have several tables wirh numbers and statistical information tables with numbers amay have one with numbers describing participants characteristics How does Profession come to life Right Ans Professions evolve from occupations that originally consisted of tasks but developed more into educational pathways and publicly legitimized status Eight characteristics of a profession Right Ans 1 the services provided are vital to humanity and the welfare of society 2 there is a special body of knowledge that s continually enlarged by research 3 the services involve intellectual activities and individual responsibility 4 practitioners are educated in higher learning institutes 5 practitioners are independent 6 practitioners are motivated by service 7 there is a code of ethics to guide decisions 8 there is an organization that supports and encourages high standards of practice Qualitative research is characterized by Right Ans data that is collected by observation or interview Quantitative research is characterized by Right Ans systematic process to gather and statistically gather information LU BSCN Program philosophy Right Ans Patients are empowered research plays a key role for decision making caring is intentional Nursing moving from teacher centered to learning centered lead to what change Right Ans increased complexity of patients within the healthcare system Non maleficence agreement Right Ans agreeing to do no harm to patients to reassure the public that the healthcare won t just heal but won t cause harm Qualitative quantitative Right Ans What are two approaches to nursing research qualitative research Right Ans Which nursing research aims to explore and understand the meaning that people get from health experiences Quantitative research Right Ans Which nursing research aims to search for casual relationships predictions and control Reading research Right Ans What will assist you in integrating research findings into your practice Logical positivism Right Ans What is the philosophical orgin of quantitative research naturalistic and interpretive Right Ans What is the philosophical orgin of qualitative research reality can be measured Right Ans What is the ontology of quantitative research reality is subjective Right Ans What is the ontology of qualitative research Objective Right Ans what is the epistemology of quantitative research Subjective Right Ans what is the epistemology of qualitative research Numbers Right Ans What does data look like in quantitative research Words Right Ans What does data look like in qualitative research statistical Right Ans What does analysis look like in quantitative research descriptive and interpretive Right Ans What does analysis look like in qualitative research generalization Right Ans How would you describe the findings of quantitative research Unique Right Ans How would you describe the findings of qualitative research To give direction to their role Right Ans Why do nurses do research general perspective Right Ans What is paradigm in nursing research systematic inquiry Right Ans What is nursing research Peer reviewers Right Ans Other researchers doing work in the field who make recommendations about an article are Abstract Right Ans a brief description of a study is called Introduction Right Ans The purpose and significance research questions literature review and theoretical framework are in which section of a research article Method Right Ans The research design sample data collection are in which part of a research article Discussion Right Ans Which section refers to conclusions about the meaning and implications of the findings Philosophy in Nursing Right Ans gives a general view of nursing clarifies values and answers any professional questions Nursing program philosophy Right Ans existential humanistic feminist phenomenological and socially critical program framework Existential Right Ans individual existence and personal responsibility Humanistic Right Ans a way of life centered on human interests values etc Phenomenological own and patient s experience and socially critical Right Ans subjective experiences society and social issues Feminist Right Ans the political economic and social equality of sexes Foundational tenets in nursing philosophy Right Ans professional caring nursing curriculum persons health and healing Health Right Ans one s capability of their own life Healing Right Ans process by which people become increasingly whole mind body spirit contextual and unique Health promotion Right Ans Activities aimed at increasing well being of people Helps patients maintain or enhance their current level of health Occupation Right Ans training may occur work in manual decision making is guided by experience values beliefs and ethics are not prominent people often change jobs accountability in mostly on employer Profession Right Ans education takes place at a college or university and is prolonged decisions are based on science or theoretical constructs values beliefs and ethics are an integral part of preparation people are unlikely to change professions accountability is on the individual CNA 7 values Right Ans 1 Providing safe compassionate competent and ethical care 2 Promoting health and well being 3 Promoting and respecting informed decision making 4 Preserving dignity 5 Maintaining privacy and confidentiality 6 Promoting justice 7 Being accountable RNAO Right Ans Pursue healthy public policy promote nursing in shaping health services and promote nursing in delivering health services Members RN S NURSING STUDENTS CNA Right Ans represents national voice of RN s Members RN s NP s nursing students CNO Right Ans protect public right to qualify nursing services and regulate nursing in the public interest Members RN s RPN s NP s CNO Right Ans Which association advocates for
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