Pro Growth Final Exam Questions And A Answers What is nursing research Right Ans A systematic process that generates evidence to support nursing practices education administration and informatics Evidence based practices What are the benefits of nursing research Right Ans Improving patient care and outcomes Help assess the health care environment What is quantitative research Right Ans Uses empirical and numerical information often analyzed through statistical means What is qualitative research Right Ans Uses practices to learn more about human experiences that cannot be numerically quantified What are the various sections found in a nursing research report Right Ans Title abstract introduction methods results discussion references What is a clinical implication Right Ans Things to consider when planning a patient s care The consequences of actions What are some example of clinical implications Right Ans Possible side effects of medications or complications of procedures What is research based practice Right Ans Uses information from research professional experts personal experience and patient preferences to determine safe and effective nursing care with the goal of improving patient care and outcomes What are components of evidence informed practice Right Ans Clinical expertise Information about patient preferences and values Assessment of patient s history and physical ad available health care resources What is CNA Right Ans Canadian Nurses Association What is the purpose of CNA Right Ans Provide essential support to patients and nurses and to improve patient outcomes What are examples of evidence informed data to improve clinical practice Right Ans 1 Preventing hospital acquired infections Handwashing 2 Preventing falls Morse Fall Scale 3 Preventing pressure ulcers Turning patients regularly and using pressure relieving devices What is evidence informed practice Right Ans Broadens the concept of evidence based practice Considers two factors evidence and professional expertise What is evidence based practice Right Ans Making clinical practice decisions based primarily on the best available research evidence What are considerations for utilizing evidence informed practice Right Ans Availability of evidence quality and relevance What are the elements of the nursing process Right Ans Assessment Diagnosis Planning Intervention Evaluation What is objective data Right Ans Factual verifiable information not influenced by personal feelings What is subjective data Right Ans Personal experience opinions or feelings What is the impact of effectiveness of nursing interventions on expected outcomes in a nursing care plan Right Ans Patient s most likely experience positive outcomes such as better health reduced pain and improved quality of life What is a cluster related to nursing process Right Ans A group or pattern of related assessment data that is collected and analyzed to help identity a patient s health problems or nursing diagnosis Explain what nursing diagnosis refers to Right Ans A clinical judgement made by a nurse about a patient s health status It identifies actual or potential health problems and guides the nurse in planning care and interventions Focuses on patient s responses to health issues and can help improve patient outcomes Describe thinking Right Ans Beliefs perceptions opinions and assumptions Describe critical thinking Right Ans Analyzing evaluating and making logical judgement What are some essentials to critical thinking Right Ans Analysis evaluation interference problem solving communication open mindedness reflection What is critical reflection Right Ans A process of examining and questioning our assumptions beliefs and actions to make sense of an experience What are the benefits of critical reflection Right Ans Enhance self awareness improve problem solving and decision making increased emotional intelligence increased accountability and responsibility What is the LEARN model for reflection Right Ans L listen E explore A analyze R respond N new knowledge Prompts that can engage someone in their critical thinking Right Ans 1 Evidence and justification 2 Analysis and evaluation 3 Clarifying goals and purpose What is involved in teaching Right Ans 1 Presenting info 2 Engaging 3 Assessing understanding 4 Providing feedback What is the teaching precess learning process Right Ans The systematic method of planning delivering and evaluating instruction to achieve learning goals ADPIE What are characteristics for adult learners Right Ans Self directed experiences goal oriented practical need for respect What are the domains of learning Right Ans 1 Cognitive domain Thinking knowledge 2 Affective domain feeling emotional response to experiences values 3 Psychomotor domain doing physical skills actions COACH Right Ans Canadian Organization for the Advancement of Computers in Health What is the purpose of COACH informatics Right Ans The science of using data information and knowledge to improve healthcare CIHI Right Ans Canadian Institute for Health Information Health data Quality care Workforce information Healthy system performances All improve patient care and outcomes What is digital health Right Ans The use of digital technologies to improve health and healthcare delivery What are examples of digital health Right Ans Telemedicine artificial intelligence electronic health records and wearable devices What are the benefits of patient documentation systems Right Ans Increased safety legal protection improved care quality better communication secure records and faster care What are obstacles to collecting nursing data Right Ans Work overload communication barriers confidentiality concerns What are examples of universally accepted nursing contributions to health outcomes Right Ans Advocacy infection control emotional support monitoring vital signs encouraging mobility and palliative care What are health information nursing components Right Ans 1 Patient s records 2 Data access 3 Communication 4 Improving care How does the Canadian privacy legislation assist nurses Right Ans Protecting personal health information and ensuring that healthcare professionals including nurses handle sensitive patient data with confidentiality and security What is the teaching purpose Right Ans 1 Clear objectives Should be abled to complete at ends of lessons 2 Relevance 3 Assessment achieve learning objectives CJMM Right Ans Clinical Judgement Measurement Model Purpose of CJMM Right Ans Used to
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