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shared via CourseHero com This study resource was This study source was downloaded by 100000815551725 from CourseHero com on 12 04 2021 21 36 04 GMT 06 00 https www coursehero com file 94661451 The Road Not Taken Stylistic Analysisdocx The Road Not Taken by Robert FrostA GRAPHOLOGICAL LEVELIn this level there were some major punctuation marks andverse paragraphing used by the writer to foreground some of theideas in the poem a The Use of Punctuation MarksThese are used in written or printed matter to indicate theseparation of words into sentences clauses and phrases Punctuation marks aid in the better comprehension of meaning andgrammatical relation of the words In this poem the following punctuation marks were used a1 ColonA colon introduces an element or series of elements thatillustrates or amplifies the information that preceded thecolon In the poem of Frost colon was used to separate twoindependent clauses where the second clause is directlyrelated to the first clause on the last stanza of the poem I shall be telling this with a sighSomewhere ages and ages hence Two roads diverged in a wood and I I took the one less traveled by And that has made all the difference a2 CommaA comma is used to separate words and group of words in asimple series of three or more items It customarily indicatesa brief pause In this poem Frost used comma when there aretwo independent clauses joined by a connector and asanalyzed in some parts of the poem below Two roads diverged in a yellow wood And sorry I could not travel bothThen took the other as just as fair And having perhaps the better claimTwo roads diverged in a wood and I I took the one less traveled by And that has made all the difference a3 DashA dash is a little horizontal line commonly used toindicate a range or a pause It is used to separate groups ofwords not to separate parts of words like a hyphen does There are three forms of dashes em en and the doublehyphen In this poem Frost used em dash in place of a comma shared via CourseHero com This study resource was This study source was downloaded by 100000815551725 from CourseHero com on 12 04 2021 21 36 04 GMT 06 00 https www coursehero com file 94661451 The Road Not Taken Stylistic Analysisdocx parenthesis or colon to emphasize the conclusion of asentence as the last stanza Two roads diverged in a wood and I I took the one less traveled by And that has made all the difference a4 Exclamation pointAn exclamation point is used when a person wants toexpress a sudden outcry or add emphasis In this poem Frostused exclamation point on the third line of the third stanzato express a strong feeling And both that morning equally layIn leaves no step had trodden black Oh I kept the first for another day Yet knowing how way leads on to way I doubted if I should ever come back a5 Full stop PeriodA full stop is the British English term for thispunctuation mark which is known as a period in AmericanEnglish It is used to mark the end of a sentence that has acomplete statement In the same way Frost used full stop inthe poem to signify the end of a complete statement And both that morning equally layIn leaves no step had trodden black Oh I kept the first for another day Yet knowing how way leads on to way I doubted if I should ever come back I took the one less traveled by And that has made all the difference a6 Semi colonA semi colon is used to connect independent clauses Itshows a closer relationship between the clauses than a periodwould show In this poem semi colon is used to join two ideasthat are closely related in thought which had been given equalrank Then took the other as just as fair And having perhaps the better claim Because it was grassy and wanted wear Though as for that the passing thereHad worn them really about the same b CapitalizationCapitalization is the writing of a word with its firstletter in uppercase and the remaining letters in lowercaselike in writing proper noun and the first letter of a shared via CourseHero com This study resource was This study source was downloaded by 100000815551725 from CourseHero com on 12 04 2021 21 36 04 GMT 06 00 https www coursehero com file 94661451 The Road Not Taken Stylistic Analysisdocx sentence In this poem Frost used capitalization correctly bycapitalizing the first letter in the beginning of each lineand the pronoun I c Lowercase letterLowercase letters are used most frequently than theuppercase letters which are reserved for special purposes such as capitalizing proper nouns or the first letter of asentence The smaller versions of each letter are developedfor quick writing To save time and space letters becamesmaller and more rounded as scribes hurried to finish theirwork In this poem the lowercase letters are used normally bythe author In this level it can be interpreted that the punctuationmarks and verse paragraphing used made the poem be understoodclearly by the readers It helped the readers to read the poem withease And because of the proper use of punctuation marks and verseparagraphing it made the flow of the poem smooth and without delay B PHONOLOGICAL LEVELIn this level the focus was on the analyses of soundpatterns utterance of different words and formation of systematicuse of sound in language through phonological devices such as rhymescheme alliteration consonance and assonance In the poem The Road Not Taken the following phonologicaldevices are used by the author a Rhyme ElementThe poem comprises of four stanzas with five lines ineach The rhymes are end rhymes which are perfect rhymes wood both stood could growth Each stanza of The RoadNot Taken has the pattern of the rhyme scheme ABAAB CDCCD EFEEF and GHGGH pattern The same rhyme pattern was repeatedin all the four stanzas The rhyming words used in the poemare wood stood couldboth undergrowthfair wear thereclaim samelay day wayblack backsigh I byhence differenceb AlliterationIt is the use of same consonant sounds at the beginningof words in a line In this poem alliteration is thefollowing was wanted wearthough that the there shared via CourseHero com This study resource was This study source was downloaded by 100000815551725 from CourseHero com on 12 04 2021 21 36 04 GMT 06 00 https www coursehero com file 94661451 The Road Not Taken Stylistic Analysisdocx first forway wayc AssonanceIt is the repetition of vowel sounds inside the words ina line In this poem assonace is the following as far as Iwhere bent undergrowthas just asperhaps betterwas grassy wantedmorning

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Wellesley EDUC 325 - “The Road Not Taken” by Robert Frost

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