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This study source was downloaded by 100000809546766 from CourseHero com on 11 27 2022 18 25 04 GMT 06 00 https www coursehero com file 144574199 MicroLab Study sheetdocx MediaDifferential media media that can help separate bacteria based on a metabolic processSelective media media that has an ingredient that can encourage the growth of some bacteria while inhibiting the growth of other bacteriaMedia material that used for the growth of microorganismsInoculate the process by which microorganisms are added to mediaColony group of genetically identical bacteriaColony Morphology 8 characteristics shape margin elevation size texture appearance pigmentation optical property MSA Mannitol Salt Agar isolates and differentiates for Staphylococcus spp DifferentialSelectivemannitol fermented turns yellow growth in 7 5 NaCl Gram bacteria presentpH indicator phenol redMSA https www youtube com watch v ON4qQafGcfcMacConkey Agar isolates and differentiates Gram bacteriaDifferential SelectiveLactose fermented turns hot pinkgrowth in bile salt and crystal violet Gram MacConkey https www youtube com watch v f0pgH7adv7ABlood agar isolates and cultivates fastidious bacteria differentiates based on hemolysisDifferentialSelectiveComplete breakdown hemoglobin Beta growth in blood nutrient fastidious bacteriaPartial breakdown of hemoglobin alphaNo breakdown of hemoglobin gamma Starch Agar differentiates amylase bacteria Reagent Iodine Halo Amylase No Halo Amylase EMB Eosin Methylene Blue Agar isolate Gram bacteria and differentiate lactose fermentationDifferential SelectiveHigh Lactose Ferment Bright green blue black growth in presence Eosin Methylene blue Gram Slow Lactose ferment purpleNo Lactose ferment pink colorless This study source was downloaded by 100000809546766 from CourseHero com on 11 27 2022 18 25 04 GMT 06 00 https www coursehero com file 144574199 MicroLab Study sheetdocx Powered by TCPDF www tcpdf org MediaPhenol red broth differentiate carbohydrate fermentation and gas producersPink carb fermenterYellow carb fermenterGas production or negative if bubble showsSIM tube Sulfide Indole Motility Differentiate if produces hydrogen sulfide indole and has motilityH2S Black H2S Not BlackAdd reagent Kovac sIndole RedIndole YellowMotility cloudy away from stab lineMotility growth only at stab line

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UH BIOL 3132 - Media

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