Problem Solving Strategies

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Problem Solving Strategies Steps involved in Problem Solving The Problem Solving techniques involves the following steps Define the problem Formulate the Mathematical model Logic Develop the algorithm Write the code for the program Test the programProblem Solving Techniques There are 3 ways to represent the logical steps for finding the solution to given problem Algorithm Flowchart Pseudocode Refer Schaum s Outlines Programming with C by Byron Gottfried for detail explanation Iteration unknown Programming and Data Structure Ashok N Kamthane 2009 for detail Explanation Classification of algorithm Based on Repetitive Steps Direct algorithm Iteration Known advance Indirect algorithm advance Based on control transfer Deterministic Yes or no path based on condition decision symbol Program control follows one of the routes depending upon the condition Non Deterministic multiple path to reach to the solution More iteration Infinite algorithm Based on better estimates of result Process continued until Programming It refers to Programming Strategy that encompasses a number of result Structured best methodologies to produce good design and code Three Principles in Structured programming Top down or Bottom up Decomposition components of program in to Structuring control flowSequence Performed one by one without skipping any step REAL TIME EXAMPLE TELEPHONIC COMMUNICATION BETWEEN SUBSCRIBERS Dail the Number Phone rings Caller wait for response Called party pick up the phone Conservation begins Release of connectionSelection In case of unsuccessful the selection determines which path a program takes when it is running If Condition Statement 1 Else Statement 2 Dail the Number If Busy tone Goto step1 Phone rings Caller wait for response Called party pick up the phone Conservation begins Release of connectionRepetition Some times it is very necessary to perform the same action for a number of times If the same statement is written repetitively it will increase the program code Iteration block can run for a given number of times based on certain conditions For While Do while

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