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This study source was downloaded by 100000871502589 from CourseHero com on 09 16 2023 08 55 12 GMT 05 00 https www coursehero com file 87985841 geneticsdocx Group 10 throwsNumber of TailsNumber of HeadsDeviation fromexpected value1550 2550 3550 44620 54620 64620 77340 84620 94620 10550 Total4753Table 1 Tally sheet for single coin toss per group Table 2 Tally sheet for single coin toss class Group 10 throwsNumber of TailsNumber of HeadsDeviation fromexpected value1550 2550 3550 44620 54620 64620 77340 84620 94620 10550 Total4753Group with 100tosses eachNumber of TailsNumber of HeadsDeviation fromexpected value1475324 2564464 3534724 4524816 5465432 6544632 7544632 8524816 9544632 1050500 11485216 This study source was downloaded by 100000871502589 from CourseHero com on 09 16 2023 08 55 12 GMT 05 00 https www coursehero com file 87985841 geneticsdocx 1250500 13475324 14514980 1550500 16465432 17584264 18455540 19514980 20534724 21514980 22475324 23465432 TotalQuestions 1 In every group of 10 throws did you always get exactly 12 heads and 12 tails No2 Did you ever get exactly 12 heads and 12 tails Yes3 Is the total for 100 throws closer to 12 heads and 12 tails than that for 10 throws YesII Deviation from Expected Value1 How do the deviations of the small groups of 10 and 100 throws compare with the deviations for the whole class Compared to deviation of by group the deviation in by class is not really close to each other compared to when it is by group 2 What is the importance of sample size in studies involving probabilities Sample size determines the effect size in the probability It is inversely proportional Therefore the larger the sample size the smaller the effect size3 What is the relevance of sample size to the choice of test organism for genetic studies Because the sample is the organism If the sample size of the organism is too small therefore the effect size is bigger thus making the studies in genetics not credible or inaccurate III Probability LawsTable 3 Tally sheet for 2 coin toss group This study source was downloaded by 100000871502589 from CourseHero com on 09 16 2023 08 55 12 GMT 05 00 https www coursehero com file 87985841 geneticsdocx Combinations Coin 1 Coin 2Observed NumberExpected NumberDeviation fromexpectedHead Head292516 Head Tail162536 Tail Head302520 Tail Tail25250 Total100100Table 4 Tally sheet for 2 coin toss class Group 1Combinations Coin 1 Coin 2Observed NumberExpected NumberDeviation fromexpectedHead Head58957520 Head Tail59457530 Tail Head57957510 Tail Tail53857560 TotalQuestions 1 How did you obtain the frequency of each expected combination For each toss we did we recorded it and later on added up those who have the same combination2 Does combining the class results give a smaller deviation from the expected Why Yes because it means that the expected number is close to the observed number3 What is the probability that any particular combination of the four will turn up Show your solutions if necessary 44 How is the probability of a combination HH HT or TT related to possibilities of its components H or T Because each combination consists of either an H or T so it depends on it to havesuch combinations 5 State the product rule and sum rule of probabilities This study source was downloaded by 100000871502589 from CourseHero com on 09 16 2023 08 55 12 GMT 05 00 https www coursehero com file 87985841 geneticsdocx The sum rule is for finding the probability of either of two events that cannot occur simultaneously The product rule is for finding the probability of both of two events that are independent LABORATORY EXERCISE NO 4 Chance Probabilities and Genetic Ratios SUBMITTED BY SUBMITTED TO Group No 13 Prof Marita G Geroy This study source was downloaded by 100000871502589 from CourseHero com on 09 16 2023 08 55 12 GMT 05 00 https www coursehero com file 87985841 geneticsdocx Powered by TCPDF www tcpdf org Members Kristine Joy M MendezDATE SUBMITTED Justine Pauleen C PadolinaNovember 04 2019

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