This study source was downloaded by 100000840055516 from CourseHero com on 03 31 2022 00 30 50 GMT 05 00 https www coursehero com file 97706917 FA3 databasedocx The purpose of the OR REPLACE clause is to an existing procedure overwriteSubprograms are named PL SQL blocks that are compiled and stored in the databaseIn Procedure all parameter modes must be specified trueA procedure is a PL SQL block containing local variables a BEGIN and an END The procedure name after the END keyword is optional trueWe can assign a default value to parameters trueThe DEFAULT keyword is used to assign a default value for formal parameters trueThe IN parameters can only be read within the procedure and cannot be modified trueTo invoke a procedure from another procedure use a direct call inside an executable section of the block trueThe formal parameters can be literal values variables or expressions that are sent to the parameter list of a called subprogram falseIf Combination notation is used the parameters must come first POSITIONALWhen invoking a function as part of a PL SQL expression you can use a to store the returned result local variableIn stored function the clause is used instead of OUT mode RETURNThe functions used in SQL statements cannot use or IN OUT modes OUTThe block structure of the subprograms is similar to the structure of blocks anonymousThe is added to CREATE PROCEDURE clause to overwrite an existing procedure OR REPLACE This study source was downloaded by 100000840055516 from CourseHero com on 03 31 2022 00 30 50 GMT 05 00 https www coursehero com file 97706917 FA3 databasedocx Powered by TCPDF www tcpdf org In anonymous block DECLARE states this is the start of a block In Procedure states this is the start of a subprogram CREATE PROCEDUREIn the given Procedure header the underlined clause keyword is optional CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE name parameters IS AS falseSubprograms are implicitly shared falseIf Combination notation is used the positional parameters must come first before the named parameters trueThe code below is a correct example of passing parameters by combination notation add dept p loc 1400 EDUCATION trueThe Named parameter passing is the common method of passing parameters falseA function must have a clause in the header and at least one RETURN statement in the executable section RETURNA is a named PL SQL block that returns exactly one value functionA function can be called as a part of both optionsA procedure is compiled and stored in the database as a schema object true
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