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This study source was downloaded by 100000832543528 from CourseHero com on 03 21 2022 12 29 16 GMT 05 00 https www coursehero com file 95785017 04 Task Performance 114docx TASK PERFORMANCEI CONTRACT RECOGNITION TASKFor the following scenarios determine the status of the contract entered into Write theletter of the correct answer on the space provided before each number 20 items x 2points A Perfectly ValidB RescissibleC VoidableD UnenforceableE Null and voidRescissibleVoidableUnenforceableVoidContracts validlyagreed upon but byreason of lesion oreconomic prejudicemay be rescinded incases established bylaw Defect is caused byinjury damage eitherto one of the partiesof to a 3rd personDefect is caused byvices of consent One of thecontracting parties isincapacitated Those that do notcomply with theStatute of Frauds Both parties areincapacitated Those entered into inthe name of anotherby one without oracting in excess ofauthority Defect is caused bylack of essentialelements or illegality Comparative Table of Defective Contracts1 D A minor sold in writing his ball pen for P1 000 to B a capacitated person The book value of the ball pen is P1 500 so A suffered lesion by more than thevalue of the thing which is the object thereof 2 C G guardian of minor M sold in writing the house and lot of Mat a sellingprice of P7 000 000 when its book value is P10 000 000 The sale is without priorapproval of guardianship court 3 D On January 1 A the guardian of X orally sold a phone of X in X s name to J a minor at a selling price of P749 when its book value is P1 000 The payment is tobe made on February 2 while delivery is to be made on March 1 4 A S orally sold a piece of land to B in the amount of P200 000 payable in four 4 installments B already paid a consideration of P50 000 representing the firstinstallment 5 C A agent of P orally sold the land of P in P s name to B The authority of A isnot in writing and B has already paid the whole purchase price to A 6 D A a minor orally sold the cell phone of his brother at a selling price ofP500 The buyer an insane person already paid P100 of the selling price to A 7 A A orally entered a contract for a piece of work of cake at a price of P500 The performance and payment of price shall be done after five 5 months 8 A S orally entered into a contract of barter with B involving a cell phone anda laptop The values of the cell phone and laptop are P5 000 and P15 000 respectively The exchange will happen after six 6 months This study source was downloaded by 100000832543528 from CourseHero com on 03 21 2022 12 29 16 GMT 05 00 https www coursehero com file 95785017 04 Task Performance 114docx 9 E A mother sold two 2 fishponds to her daughter and the latter in turn resold the same fishponds to her stepfather 10 A A Filipino leased a parcel of land to a foreigner for 99 years with an optionto buy the property within 50 years provided that the latter shall become a Filipino 11 A A written contract for a transfer of a piece of land at an amount of P500 000with a fair market value of P550 000 Delivery and payment have not yet beenmade 12 C The wife orally sold a land which is a community property to a third personwithout the consent of the husband at a price of P60 000 when the book value isP100 000 13 E Oral contract of sale of a cell phone at a price of P400 but delivery andpayment will be made after 15 months 14 E Oral contract of sale of a piece of land with a price of P499 but delivery andpayment will be made after one 1 month 15 D A written contract of sale of a piece of land at a price of P499 between ademented and an insane person 16 G the guardian of M a minor orally sold M s cell phone for P500 to I aninsane person Delivery and payment have not yet been made 17 D M an insane person orally sold prohibited drugs at a price of P1 000 whenits book value is P1 500 to I an insane person also Delivery and payment have notyet been made 18 E An oral contract of sale of a cell phone at a price of P5 000 betweenhusband and wife who are covered by absolute community or conjugal propertyregime Delivery and payment will happen after two 2 months 19 E A written contract of sale of car at a price of P70 000 between husbandand wife who are covered by regime of absolute or complete separation of property The husband pointed a gun to the wife to sign the contract Delivery and paymenthave not yet been made 20 E An oral contract of sale of forest land or national park at a selling price ofP100 000 000 with partial payment of P20 000 000 II CASE ANALYSISAnalyze the following cases and answer the questions that follow 4 items x 10points Case 1 Supposed sale was evidenced by a receipt acknowledging receipt of P1 000 Facts B bought on a partial payment of P1 000 00 evidenced by a receipt a portion of asubdivision from S administrator of the testate estate of his deceased spouse Subsequently S was authorized by the court to sell the subdivision In the meantime PTCo became the new administrator It sold the lot to another which sale was judiciallyapproved B files a complaint which seeks among other things for the quieting of titleover the lot in question Leabres vs Court of Appeals 146 SCRA 158 1986 Issue Was there a valid and enforceable sale to B Held An examination of the receipt reveals that the same can neither be regarded as acontract of sale or a promise to sell There was merely an acknowledgment of the sum ofOne Thousand Pesos P1 000 00 There was no agreement as to the total purchase priceof the land nor to the monthly installment to be paid by the petitioner The requisites of avalid Contract of Sale namely 1 consent or meeting of the minds of the parties 2 determinate subject matter 3 price certain in money or its equivalent are lacking in said This study source was downloaded by 100000832543528 from CourseHero com on 03 21 2022 12 29 16 GMT 05 00 https www coursehero com file 95785017 04 Task Performance 114docx receipt and therefore the sale is not valid nor enforceable Furthermore it is a fact thathis spouse was died Her estate was thereafter under custodia legis of the Probate Courtwhich appointed S as Administrator S entered into said sale in his own personal capacityand without court approval consequently said sale cannot bind the estate of wife Petitioner should have submitted the receipt of alleged sale to the Probate Court for itsapproval of the transactions Anent his possession of the land petitioner cannot bedeemed a possessor in good faith in view of the

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Course: Bsa 301-
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