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shared via CourseHero com This study resource was This study source was downloaded by 100000815954686 from CourseHero com on 04 19 2021 16 54 03 GMT 05 00 https www coursehero com file 79876297 ppt AS flower reproduction answerspdf 2 11 191AMOEBA SISTERS VIDEO RECAP ANGIOSPERM REPRODUCTION Amoeba Sisters Video Recap of Plant Reproduction in Angiosperms 1 What characteristics are common in angiosperms 2 A topic emphasized in this clip is that not all fruits are sweet Or even edible Every plant that forms a flower must have afruit How would you define a fruit How can fruits behelpful in seed dispersal 3 cid 3 Flowers can contain one or both genders of flower parts cid 3 Label A B and C A is the B is the C is the All of these are cid 373 cid 258 cid 367 cid 286 cid 3 cid 381 cid 396 cid 3 cid 296 cid 286 cid 373 cid 258 cid 367 cid 286 4 cid 3 Flowers can contain one or both genders of flower parts cid 3 Label D E F and G D is the E is the F is the G is the All of these are cid 373 cid 258 cid 367 cid 286 cid 3 cid 381 cid 396 cid 3 cid 296 cid 286 cid 373 cid 258 cid 367 cid 286 Flowering plants Bear fruitFruit is something that has flesharound seeds When animals eat them seeds move away from parent plant AMOEBA SISTERS VIDEO RECAP ANGIOSPERM REPRODUCTION Amoeba Sisters Video Recap of Plant Reproduction in Angiosperms 1 What characteristics are common in angiosperms 2 A topic emphasized in this clip is that not all fruits are sweet Or even edible Every plant that forms a flower must have afruit How would you define a fruit How can fruits behelpful in seed dispersal 3 cid 3 Flowers can contain one or both genders of flower parts cid 3 Label A B and C A is the B is the C is the All of these are cid 373 cid 258 cid 367 cid 286 cid 3 cid 381 cid 396 cid 3 cid 296 cid 286 cid 373 cid 258 cid 367 cid 286 4 cid 3 Flowers can contain one or both genders of flower parts cid 3 Label D E F and G D is the E is the F is the G is the All of these are cid 373 cid 258 cid 367 cid 286 cid 3 cid 381 cid 396 cid 3 cid 296 cid 286 cid 373 cid 258 cid 367 cid 286 antherfilamentstamenmalestigmastyleovarypistilfemale shared via CourseHero com This study resource was This study source was downloaded by 100000815954686 from CourseHero com on 04 19 2021 16 54 03 GMT 05 00 https www coursehero com file 79876297 ppt AS flower reproduction answerspdf 2 11 192AMOEBA SISTERS VIDEO RECAP ANGIOSPERM REPRODUCTION Narrate Pollination and Double Fertilization in Angiosperms The pictures are in order but it s your turn to briefly narrate pollination and fertilization using the pictures You must use all of the following words at least once they are in a randomized order pollinator seed ovary ovule zygote double fertilization sperm cell s stigma pollen anther pollen tube endosperm and fruit Cross the words off to help you keep track of usage 5 PollinationBrief Description 6 Pollen TubeGerminationBrief Description 7 FertilizationBrief Description A pollinator comes to the flower to get nectar In this process the pollinator knocks the pollen from the anther to the stigma AMOEBA SISTERS VIDEO RECAP ANGIOSPERM REPRODUCTION Narrate Pollination and Double Fertilization in Angiosperms The pictures are in order but it s your turn to briefly narrate pollination and fertilization using the pictures You must use all of the following words at least once they are in a randomized order pollinator seed ovary ovule zygote double fertilization sperm cell s stigma pollen anther pollen tube endosperm and fruit Cross the words off to help you keep track of usage 5 PollinationBrief Description 6 Pollen TubeGerminationBrief Description 7 FertilizationBrief Description A pollen tube forms and the pollen sperm cell swims down the tube into the ovary At the ovary the sperm cell divides into 2 and combines with ovules shared via CourseHero com This study resource was This study source was downloaded by 100000815954686 from CourseHero com on 04 19 2021 16 54 03 GMT 05 00 https www coursehero com file 79876297 ppt AS flower reproduction answerspdf Powered by TCPDF www tcpdf org 2 11 193AMOEBA SISTERS VIDEO RECAP ANGIOSPERM REPRODUCTION Narrate Pollination and Double Fertilization in Angiosperms The pictures are in order but it s your turn to briefly narrate pollination and fertilization using the pictures You must use all of the following words at least once they are in a randomized order pollinator seed ovary ovule zygote double fertilization sperm cell s stigma pollen anther pollen tube endosperm and fruit Cross the words off to help you keep track of usage 5 PollinationBrief Description 6 Pollen TubeGerminationBrief Description 7 FertilizationBrief Description The surrounding ovary develops into a fruit

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UCCI BIO 101 - Amoeba Sisters Video Recap of Plant Reproduction in Angiosperms

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