This study source was downloaded by 100000851219664 from CourseHero com on 10 24 2022 04 35 11 GMT 05 00 https www coursehero com file 118486611 IMCI CHECKLISTpdf Checklist IMCIManagement of the Sick Child Age 2 Months Up to 5 YearsDate Child s Name Age Sex Weight Temperature ASK What is are the child s problem Initial Visit Follow up Visit ASSESS Encircle all signs present CLASSIFYCHECK FOR GENERAL DANGERS SIGNSNOT ABLE TO DRINK OR BREASTFEEDCONVULSIONSABNORMALLY SLEEPY OR DIFFICULT TO AWAKENVOMIT EVERYTHINGGeneral Danger Signs Present YES NO DOES THE CHILD HAVE COUGH OR DIFFICULT BREATHING YES NO For how long days Count the breaths in one minute breaths per minute Fast breathing Look for chest indrawing Look and listen for stridor DOES THE CHILD HAVE DIARRHEA YES NO For how long days Look at the young child s general condition Is the child Is there blood in the stool Abnormally sleepy or difficulty to awaken Restless or irritable Look for sunken eyes Pinch the skin of the abdomen Does it go back Very slowly longer than 2 seconds Slowly DOES THE CHILD HAVE FEVER By history feels hot temperature 37 5 oC or above YES NO Decide the malaria risk Does the child live in malaria area Has the child visited traveled or stayed overnight in a malaria area in the past 4 weeks If malaria risk obtain a blood smear result not doneTHEN ASK For how long has the child have fever days If more than 7 days has fever been present every day Has the child had measles within the past 3 months LOOK AND FEEL Look or feel for stiff neck Look for runny noseLook for signs of MEASLES Generalized rash and One of these cough runny nose or red eyesIf the child has measles now or within the last 3 months Look for mouth ulcers If yes are they deep and extensive Look for pus draining from the eye Look for clouding of the corneaASSESS DENGUE HEMORRHAGIC FEVERASK Does the child have any bleeding from the nose or gums or in the vomitus or stool Has the child had black stool This study source was downloaded by 100000851219664 from CourseHero com on 10 24 2022 04 35 11 GMT 05 00 https www coursehero com file 118486611 IMCI CHECKLISTpdf Has the child had persistent abdominal pain Has the child had persistent vomiting LOOK AND FEEL Look for bleeding from nose or gums Look for skin petechiae Feel for cold and clammy extremities Check capillary refill seconds Perform Tourniquet test if child is 6 months or older AND has no other signs AND has fever for more than 3 days DOES THE CHILD HAVE EAR PROBLEM YES NO For how long days Is there ear pain Is there ear discharge Look for pus draining from the ear Feel for tender swelling behind the ear LOOK FOR MALNUTRITION ANEMIA Look for visible severe waiting Look for edema of both foot Look for palmar pallor Severe palmar pallor Some palmar pallor Check capillary refill seconds Determine weigh for age Very low CHECK THE CHILD S IMMUNIZATION STATUS Return for the next immunization on DateCHECK THE VITAMIN A SUPPLENTATION STATUS for children 6 months or older Is the child six months of age or older YES NO Has the child received Vitamin A in the past six months YES NO Vitamin A needed today YES NO LOOK FOR MALNUTRITION ANEMIA Look for visible severe waiting Look for edema of both foot Look for palmar pallor Severe palmar pallor Some palmar pallor Check capillary refill seconds Determine weigh for age Very low ASSESS CHILDS FEEDING If child has Anemia or Very low Weight or is less than 2 years old Do you breastfeed your child YES NO Feeding Problems This study source was downloaded by 100000851219664 from CourseHero com on 10 24 2022 04 35 11 GMT 05 00 https www coursehero com file 118486611 IMCI CHECKLISTpdf Powered by TCPDF www tcpdf org If yes how many times in 24 hours times Do you breastfeed during the night YES NO Does the child take any other food or fluids YES NO If yes what food or fluids How many times per day times What do you use to feed the child If very low weight for age how large per serving Does the child receive his her own serving Who feeds the child and how During the illness has the child s feeding changed YES NO If yes how ASSESS CARE FOR DEVELOPMENT Ask question about how the mother cares for her child Compare the mother s answers to the Recommendations for care Development for the child s age How do you play with your child How do you communicate with your child Care and Development ProblemsASSESS OTHER PROBLEMS
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