Synopsys Design Compiler Tutorial

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Synopsys Design Compiler Tutorial Addendum to GWU tutorial for SMU students T Manikas Updated 12 9 20 Note This document supplements the Synopsys Design Compiler material originally developed by T Farmer and W Gibb at George Washington U GWU for their ECE 128 course in Spring 2011 file name is lab2 synopsys dc I have modified some of their material to cover items specific to Southern Methodist U SMU computing resources Please use their tutorial as the main document but follow my specific instructions below for given sections of their tutorial Part I OVERVIEW Synopsys Design Compiler SDC is an RTL compiler An RTL compiler takes an RTL version of a design such as Verilog and transforms compiles the RTL by mapping the design to components in a standard cell library such as logic gates The mapping decisions are performed to meet various design objectives area timing power The basic steps for RTL compilation are the following 1 Analyze and Elaborate 2 Apply Design Constraints 3 Optimize and Compile 4 Inspect Results Part II PREPARATION 1 Log into your Lyle Unix account and create a working directory for SDC For example Farmer and Gibb use the directory lab2 for their tutorial 2 From my RTL Compiler website http lyle smu edu manikas CAD Tools SDC SynopsysDesignCompiler html copy the file synopsys dc setup into your new directory The file name has a period in front of it this is not a typo To view the file in your directory use the command ls a 3 Create the following subdirectories in your work directory work src db and reports 4 Copy the following files from my RTL Compiler website into your src directory 5 Copy the following file from my RTL Compiler website into your db directory a osu05 stdcells v b halfadder v c fulladder v d fulladder tb v a osu05 stdcells db 1 Part III STARTING THE DESIGN COMPILER Ignore Step 1 as this is specific to GWU For Step 2 make sure that you are in your main working directory that you created for Step 1 of Part II Skip Steps 5 and 6 of the tutorial File Analyze File Elaborate Instead do the following to load your Verilog files fulladder v and halfadder v into Design Compiler 1 Select File Read 2 3 In the Read Designs pop up window double click on the src directory In the src directory first select the file fulladder v then select the file halfadder v Note that the top file in the hierarchy fulladder v should be the first file selected as shown in the figure below 2 4 Click on the Open button You should get the following hierarchy window in Design Compiler Part IV VIEWING THE SCHEMATIC SKIP THIS PART NOTE DO NOT OPEN A SCHEMATIC UNTIL YOU REACH PART VI OF THE TUTORIAL INSPECTING YOUR RESULTS If you attempt to do the items in Part V with an open schematic Design Compiler will crash Part V APPLYING CONSTRAINTS Follow all the steps in this section of the GWU tutorial except as noted below For Step 3 follow part a since the full adder does not have a clock NOTE if you have a design with a clock e g sequential logic then you would follow part b Continue with part c for Step 3 and the remaining steps of the GWU tutorial 3 Part VI INSPECTING YOUR RESULTS Before doing Step 1 in the GWU tutorial do the following setup steps to allow you to view the schematic 1 From the menu choose Hierarchy New Logical Hierarchy View 2 In the Hierarchy window click on the top level of the logic hierarchy full adder Then follow the instructions in Step 1 for viewing the schematic of the full adder Follow all the remaining steps in this section of the GWU tutorial PART VII RE SIMULATING THE SYNTHESIZED DESIGN After the design has been synthesized you will want to check the synthesized Verilog code using your testbench 1 From the menu choose File Save as a Navigate to your src subfolder b Enter the name fulladder syn v c Note do not call the new file the same name as your original Verilog file fulladder v If you do it will overwrite your original file 2 Exit Design Vision 3 At the Unix prompt change to your src subdirectory and run Xcelium on your synthesized Verilog code xmverilog osu05 stdcells v fulladder tb v fulladder syn v Recall that we introduced delays during synthesis so you will see delays on your outputs in Xcelium 4

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