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This study source was downloaded by 100000849085667 from CourseHero com on 06 24 2022 18 37 37 GMT 05 00 https www coursehero com file 80102892 PRE CLASS ASSIGNMENT KAVITHA MATHIAZHAN A17HA0061 GLRB 0010 SEC 1pdf PRE CLASS ASSIGNMENT PROFESSIONAL COURSE SEMESTER I 2020 2021 SESSION GLRB 0010 COURSE NAME DESIGN THINKING FOR ENTREPRENEURSHIP NAME KAVITHA A P MATHIAZAN MATRIC NUM A17HA0061 I C NUM 980226015632 COURSE GLRB 0010 SECTION 1 16 1 2021 INSTRUCTOR Prof Madya Dr Abdul Rashid bin Husain This study source was downloaded by 100000849085667 from CourseHero com on 06 24 2022 18 37 37 GMT 05 00 https www coursehero com file 80102892 PRE CLASS ASSIGNMENT KAVITHA MATHIAZHAN A17HA0061 GLRB 0010 SEC 1pdf 1 Design Thinking DT is described by Brown in 1 as a process that must pass through three spaces Then DT has been evolving and become in more refined model as the 5 steps Design Thinking Process shown in the video by InVision Describe the similarity between the DT process defined by Brown 1 and InVision 2 From my point of view the similarity between both definitions given by Brown and InVision is 5 stages of design thinking process Empathize Define Ideate Prototype Test are actually extracted from the initial definition of 3 spaces of design thinking processes defined by Brown which are Inspiration Ideation Implementation These three phases are broken down into five actionable stages which means that they re interconnected Besides both definition by Brown and InVision have same approaches in solving the problems whereby both refers to user s perspective Human centered exploration done in inspiration phase to understand the core customer base in both 2 The step called Prototype is a very important and crucial part in Design Thinking Elaborate this Prototype step and explain how it should be executed in order to offer effective solutions Refers to InVision prototype comes in all shapes and sizes from basic bottles to interactive digital mock ups in order to have something tangible that can be tested in real people Testing prototypes with real users will give a great insight whether the solution provided for the problem is valid or need more work to improve with the feedbacks received It is also important to make changes and improvements before spending the time and money building or producing the real product The steps are the team should produce an inexpensive scaled down version of the product as it could even be a simple paper prototype It doesn t have to be complex and expensive In order to achieve the effective solution design prototype in a way the users could be able to understand to be much more precise about what the ultimate design should accomplish and the specific usage of it Prototype should be made to learn about the strengths and weaknesses of the idea and to identify new directions that further prototypes might take The design that emerged This study source was downloaded by 100000849085667 from CourseHero com on 06 24 2022 18 37 37 GMT 05 00 https www coursehero com file 80102892 PRE CLASS ASSIGNMENT KAVITHA MATHIAZHAN A17HA0061 GLRB 0010 SEC 1pdf 3 Describe how the IDEO Design Thinking team have helped Shimano the manufacturer of bicycle components to revisit the Shimano design approach in order to improve the company s growth Shimano collaborated with IDEO team as they were having flattening business growth IDEO DT team approached the three phases of design thinking At first during the inspiration phase both team worked on identifying appropriate constraints for the project They started focusing more broadly than on the high end market where they have problem as 90 of American adults don t ride bikes Looking for new ways to think about the problem the team members spent time with all kinds of consumers They discovered that nearly everyone they met rode a bike as a child and had happy memories of doing so They also discovered that many Americans are intimidated by cycling today by the retail experience including the young Lycraclad athletes who serve as sales staff in most independent bike stores by the complexity and cost of the bikes accessories and specialized clothing by the danger of cycling on roads not designed for bicycles and by the demands of maintaining a technically sophisticated bike that is ridden infrequently They did human centered exploration by looking its insights from people outside Shimano s core customer base which led to the realization that a whole new category of bicycling might be able to reconnect American consumers to their experiences as children while also dealing with the root causes of their feelings of intimidation thus revealing a large untapped market Later the design team came up with the concept of Coasting which aims to entice lapsed bikers into an activity that was simple straightforward and fun The design team didn t stop with the bike itself In store retailing strategies were created for independent bike dealers in part to alleviate the discomfort that biking novices felt in stores designed to serve enthusiasts IDEO team also developed a brand that identified Coasting as a way to enjoy life Chill Explore Dawdle Lollygag First one there s a rotten egg In addition it designed a public relations campaign by collaborating with local governments and cycling organizations that identified safe places to ride Although many others became involved in the project when it reached the implementation phase the application of design thinking in the earliest stages of This study source was downloaded by 100000849085667 from CourseHero com on 06 24 2022 18 37 37 GMT 05 00 https www coursehero com file 80102892 PRE CLASS ASSIGNMENT KAVITHA MATHIAZHAN A17HA0061 GLRB 0010 SEC 1pdf innovation is what led to this complete solution The team also created a reference design to inspire the bike companies own design teams which leads to seven more bicycle manufacturers signed up to produce Coasting bikes in 2008 4 Aravind Eye Care System founded by Dr Venkataswamy Aravind is one of the biggest eye care provided in the world 1 Aravind s approach towards establishing the Eye care system is viewed to be in some way inherit the Edison s world view of electric power system invention Discuss the similarity of the design approach taken by Aravind and Edison Aravind s execution of its mission and model is in some respects reminiscent of Edison s holistic concept of electric power delivery whom made it a profession that blended art craft science business savvy

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