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This study source was downloaded by 100000792182917 from CourseHero com on 02 16 2022 07 48 46 GMT 06 00 https www coursehero com file 45826481 Phonemic Awareness LPdocx Lesson Plan Template edTPA Student Teaching This is the only approved template for EDUC 554 no other template will be accepted Allsections should be clearly addressed with specific details in the instructional sections Be clearand concise with what you are teaching Maximum page length per lesson plan is 4 pages LESSON Subject Topic Phoneme Segmenting BlendingGrade Level 1st Lesson Structure or Grouping Whole Class Small Group 1 1 Other specify Click or tap here to enter text Learning Segment Theme Now you know the beginnings you can learn to find the rest Putting it all together will be your test Resources and Materials Elkonin Boxes Star Word Cards Blending Task Cards Letter Cards Fly Swatter iPads scissors Glue Paper Beginning Middle End Sound Page Letter stamps One Syllable Flash CardsStandards State ELA 1 IV Demonstrate understanding of spoken words syllables and sounds phonemes Orally produce single syllable words by blending sounds Phonemes including consonant blends National CCSS ELA LITERACY RF 1 2Demonstrate understanding of spoken words syllables and sounds phonemes CCSS ELA LITERACY RF 1 2 BOrally produce single syllable words by blending sounds phonemes including consonant blends Objective Students will be able to correctly say 15 1 syllable words by blending the phonemes with 80 accuracy ACADEMIC LANGUAGE DEMANDSLanguage Demands The student must be able to recognize all letters of the alphabet and have a concept of letters and the sounds associated with each letter They must be able to understand the meaning of the beginning middle and end sounds Language Supports The teacher will offer support through informal assessments during previous lessons and providing morning work each day Students will also use our online program RedBirds to practice letter sound recognition Essential Vocabulary Students must be able to understand lesson specific words such as phoneme blending segmenting and letters INSTRUCTIONDirect Instruction Modeling Hook A phoneme is an individual small sound that we can hear Each word has many phonemes or small sounds Words are made up of many different sounds and each one is called a phoneme Can you say phoneme Students will 1 This study source was downloaded by 100000792182917 from CourseHero com on 02 16 2022 07 48 46 GMT 06 00 https www coursehero com file 45826481 Phonemic Awareness LPdocx say Phoneme Right Each small sound we hear in a word is called a phoneme Today I am going to work with you to hear each individual sound or phoneme in a word Watch how Ipull out each individual sound or phoneme in the word I write the word mat on the board My word is mat Now listen to me pull out each sound one at a time M a t Students will use their Elkonin boxes and markers to pull out each sound Now as you say each individual sound move the marker in to the box Now I will blend the word back together M a t Guided Practice Each student will have a set of word cards with simple cvc words and digraphs to segment and blend We are going to find each individual sound or phoneme in words Our word is big I have them use their fingers to touch the stars under each picture to identify the individual phonemes Let s say our word big We need to run our finger under the word as we say it big Now let s touch one star for each sound you hear in the word big B i g As they say big show them to move their fingers from left to right Touch b touch i touchb Now we have found all of the sounds b i g Use your finger as we say the whole word Big I make sure students track under the whole word if they don t show them how and do that last part again Students will then practice the same thing with two additional words fish bath with a partner The students will then go to specific learning centers where they will participate in different activities Learning centers are as follows 1 teacher led 2 Guess the word aide says a word in snail talk and students guess the word 3 Task cards for blending words 4 letter cards with fly swatters 5 Fuzz Bugs Farm https www abcya com games consonant blends Independent Practice As the teacher completes formative assessments with other groups students will be working on their review sheets for blending phonemes to make words Students will cut and paste letters to make words They will then record themselves saying the words on their iPad Closure The teacher will lead a class discussion reviewing the concepts learned that day Then the students will participate in a snow storm Students will write down or illustrate what they learned most from the lesson They will wad the paper up and on the signal they will throw the paper in the air Students find a snowball near them and share the responses The teacher will individually conference with those students needing additional support for lack of understanding DIFFERENTIATIONSupporting Students with Special Needs To support students with ADHD flexible seating options are available as well as movement during learning centers to release energy For my hearing disabled student I will be in a proximal location to him and wear a microphone to amplify my voice Challenging Above Average Students Above average students will have access to projecttime in the event of early completion of center or group activities Project time will be correlated to the lesson at hand and serve as an extra credit opportunity Facilitating a Classroom Environment that Supports Student Learning The classroom will consist of norms for learning centers that students know and understand thus not wastingtime during transitions and explaining procedures Students are aware of and understand the behavioral expectations and consequences Extension Students will have word cards with more blends and digraphs to challenge them to segment and blend for more challenging words ASSESSMENT2 This study source was downloaded by 100000792182917 from CourseHero com on 02 16 2022 07 48 46 GMT 06 00 https www coursehero com file 45826481 Phonemic Awareness LPdocx Powered by TCPDF www tcpdf org Diagnostic Pre Assessment The students will go through the secret stories pictures to ensure they know each letter and sound correlation long and short sounds Students will complete a stamping worksheet to identify the beginning middle and end sound based on a picture Formative Assessment To assess student

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