Course BBA B I Subject Module On Business Mathematics Semester II Credit 4 For students for education purpose only Module Contributors Prof Dr Harish Singh Dr Vijay Dahiya Dr Aanchal Tehlan Dr Jyoti Dr Shashikant Pandey Module Objective This module will equip students with a broad based knowledge of Business Mathematics with emphasis on business applications Unit I It covers topics related to permutation and combination Concept of Factorial principal of counting circular permutation combination with restriction mathematical induction Sequence series A P G P Unit II It covers topics related to matrix algebra like properties of inverse solution of system of linear equations adjoint matrix rank of a matrix echelon matrix vectors gaussian elimination method rank of system of linear equations Applications of matrices in business world Unit III It cover topics related to rate of interest stated effective rate of interest discounted value maturity value equation of payment Unit IV It covers topics related to equated installments component of individual equated installments different types of annuities use of interest tables amortization sinking fund operations Third Page CONTENTS Unit No Unit Name Page Number I Principle of counting Pdf file attached II Matrix Algebra Pdf file attached III Theory of compound interest Pdf file attached IV Immediate Deferred Annuities Pdf file attached Glossary Key Words Permutaion combinations AP GP Matrices simple interest compound interest annuities sinking fund MCQ and long answer type questions last year question papers Pdf file attached References and Further Readings 1 Thukral J K Bussiness Mathematics 2 Trivedi Business Mathematics Pearson Education 3 Bhardwaj R S Mathematics Statistics for Business Excel Books 4 Khan Shadab A Text Book of Business Mathematics Anmol Publications 5 Financial Mathematics A Lenin Jothi 1 Introduction and Learning Objectives The objective of the course is to develop student s familiarity with the basic concept of algebra and calculus which will help them in advance course in finance These techniques assist specially in resolving complex problems and serve as a valuable guide to decision makers These notes cover the syllabus the language is simple and notes material is self explanatory Sufficient number of illustrations of various types are given in the notes Many self assessment exercises like MCQ questions past year question papers are given in the notes Some multimedia study material like power point presentations and video lectures are also included for the better understanding of the students BBA B I Business Mathematics E module Online Plan Syllabus Video Lecture Unit Wise Business Mathematics B I Unit 3 Simple and Compound Interest 1 https youtu be P7KXKN9hoZc 2 https youtu be 1IlT5xl9laY 3 https youtu be lHQyhJDfiXg 4 https youtu be CxmKras1No0 5 https youtu be 0UIjg5vQ0QA 6 https youtu be mJDxSzDZPwk Unit 4 Annuity and type of Annuity 1 https youtu be xIWOTid Xcs 2 https youtu be AV4XdiU3IVw 3 https youtu be 2iLG8BgzZ2g 4 https youtu be E8xlDYxmDaE 5 https youtu be lFTsOiwl1DM 6 https youtu be GR7QnJTZ 2M 7 https youtu be vZZ 7yJOsko 8 https youtu be Ld6WQ9J8zPo Progress Check i Google form for self assessment MCQ based test https docs google com forms d e 1FAIpQLScNchYjNt0OMnqWjiZsF cG16A 7aBEPAzZs3RrBprpoJtIgGg viewform usp sf link Essential and Additional Readings 1 Thukral J K Bussiness Mathematics 2 Trivedi Business Mathematics Pearson Education 3 Bhardwaj R S Mathematics Statistics for Business Excel Books 4 Khan Shadab A Text Book of Business Mathematics Anmol Publications 5 Financial Mathematics A Lenin Jothi samples of tziffim sequeles o e i i the n prime nimber it s not aeEes s est tezzts of o segueoce foIboa o def iJ e pztterz or be The geaezsl erm need oot be czpzbf e of beJaq ezplicills ezpressea b e Mz IN rbe terms fofloe z de3z oz urge tbeo rbe segaeace s csfled z progzecz on EU propessi oas are segueaces bot UI sequence s z eed not be 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a farmer may lend his tractor to a neighbour and get 10 of the grain harvested in return In this course the capital is always expressed in money …
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