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This study source was downloaded by 100000808519659 from CourseHero com on 09 21 2022 13 26 34 GMT 05 00 https www coursehero com file 125534344 Crisis assessmentdocx 1Crisis assessmentStudent nameCourseDate of submission This study source was downloaded by 100000808519659 from CourseHero com on 09 21 2022 13 26 34 GMT 05 00 https www coursehero com file 125534344 Crisis assessmentdocx 2IntroductionThe client is a 21 year old junior in nursing school named Barbara Barbara s father aged 45 has been a heavy drinker for many years and has recently lost her job Barbara has trouble coping due to this situation Her father s alcoholism puts a lot of stress on the family and with the loss of employment Barbara would like to leave school Barbara s mother has multiple sclerosis and wants Barbara to drop out of school and take care of her at home Barbara s family is going through multiple crises and they need help coping before the situation gets overwhelming Barbara is worried about her father and mother and education and it is putting a lot of pressure on her that she is having trouble at school When parents make mistakes it s the children that suffer the most Barbara is having trouble in school and general coping The family problems have put so much stress on her that she has finally decided to talk to her instructor Often parents overwhelm their children with stuff they cannot handle and it is wrong since it affects their education and life in general Townsend Morgan 2017 Another crisis is the father losing the job and being a drunkard When the breadwinner of the house is unemployed a financial crisis is always looming Townsend Morgan 2017 The family is generally stressed on how to cope and pay bills and maintain Barbara s father is an alcoholic too and this is not positive for the unemployment Getting another job will be hard considering his alcoholic history Multiple sclerosis attacking the mother is also a crisis because this makes both parents unreliable The mother even wants Barbara to quit nursing school and go back home to take care of her leaving Barbara with no parent to rely on financially and emotionally Thus the trouble is coping Crisis counselling This study source was downloaded by 100000808519659 from CourseHero com on 09 21 2022 13 26 34 GMT 05 00 https www coursehero com file 125534344 Crisis assessmentdocx 3As a nurse one has to be delicate when dealing with such emotionally overwhelmed patients Halter Varcarolis 2014 Barbara s family is currently going through a lot and needs one to approach them with sensitivity As a nurse I would practice empathy while letting the family members say their side of the story The ethical principles of nursing practice must be maintained most especially the principle of autonomy Naef et al 2021 I will ensure each family member is ensured of confidentiality to make it easier for them to open up about their feelings As a nurse I will see each family member alone then hold a few sessions of all of them together to express their feelings and frustrations to one another While handling each member of Barbara s family by themselves a nurse should listenwith focus and understanding Naef et al 2021 All this while closely observe the patient notice facial expressions and body language As a nurse handling this crisis I will respond with respect empathy sensitivity and genuineness Ensure that the patient does not feel judged to be willing to let go of sensitive information I want to assess the root cause of most of their family issues like the father s drinking and why he did not seek help before I would like to know why Barbara chose the nursing school and what passions she had and how all her family problems are affecting her productivity and participation both academically and socially Assess why the mother would consider asking her child to leave school in the first place For this assessment to be comprehensive I will use open ended questions like how do you feel about your father s husband s unemployment This will encourage subjects like Barbara and her mom to express their feelings Ask their father why he drinks a lot to figure out the root cause of his drinking problem I will use open ended questions to determine why and how the father lost his job and how the loss has affected him Also the use of close ended questions to get specific important details about the family members like to the father I would ask are you considering rehabilitation or seeking any help to stop your This study source was downloaded by 100000808519659 from CourseHero com on 09 21 2022 13 26 34 GMT 05 00 https www coursehero com file 125534344 Crisis assessmentdocx 4alcoholism This will inform me whether he is aware of its effects on his physical health andhis family Ask Barbara whether she wants to leave school at all as her mother may want her to While handling the family together ask them to express some of the issues they expressed to you without making them feel uncomfortable As a nurse you should ensure your patient s right to confidentiality is maintained and avoid putting family members on the spot Slemon et al 2017 Ensure the conversation is regulated and calm Barbara should tell her mother how she feels about being asked to leave school to care for her Empathy and sensitivity should be maintained to have a successful discussion with all the family members and it would help to ask them alone whether they would be willing to share some bits of information with the others Goals The goal of this intervention is first to acknowledge the presence of a difficult situation in thefamily They should then be able to understand each person s feelings and where they are coming from Every member of Barbara s family should be able to fit in each other s shoes to understand how they feel and why they behave the way they do Another goal is to improve the family s communication and enable each member to speak out their feelings and opinions without fear They should then be able to find grounds of agreement on specific matters no matter how small Naef et al 2021 Another major goal is to ensure that Barbara s father getsthe professional help he needs in dealing with alcoholism to take care of his family Barbara s father should also start thinking of replacing his lost income source so that the family does not feel strained Lastly they should all agree on Barbara s education and the way forward in her nursing school Referrals and follow ups This study source was downloaded by

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CAPELLA ED 5500 - Crisis Assessment

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