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Mobile using electromagnetic waves mobile phones use electromagnetic waves specifically radio frequency RF waves to communicate function What is the electric magnetic wave The electric magnetic waves is a electron The electron is a negative charge and curren electric magnetic waves producing heat Infrared waves and microwaves are electromagnetic waves that can produce heat Microwave oven and electric magnetic wave A microwave oven cooks food using electromagnetic waves in the microwave frequency range typically operating at a frequency of 2 45 GHz The microwave oven generates microwaves using a magnetron which are then directed into the cooking chamber When these waves interact with water molecules in the food they cause the molecules to vibrate rapidly generating heat and cooking the food Electric magnetic waves cooking in earth Compare The electromagnetic waves in mobile devices are not just for communication they also operate at frequencies similar to those used in a microwave oven which heats food A microwave oven operates at a frequency of 2 45 GHz designed specifically to excite water molecules and generate heat 4G mobile networks operate around 2 7 GHz close to the microwave frequency but with much lower power 5G mobile networks can operate at much higher frequencies up to 80 GHz in some cases which is far above the microwave range Micro oven 2 45 GHZ compare to 5G mobile 80GHZ one 5G mobile equal 40 micro oven One mobile not damaged the earth but 2024 the 7 41 billion mobiles current using people that radiation is calculating 4G mobile GHz mobile 7 41billion 2 7GHz 20 007 billion 5G mobile GHz mobile 7 41billion 80GHz 592 8 billion this calculations for one day or one hour time cell phone towers one hour time radiation 1 190 000 000 000 000 Hz or 1 19 petahertz Cell phone towers calculating 700MHz 1 7million PHZ Future The reason for Earth s warming due to population growth is linked to mobile internet usage With a global population of 7 41 billion electromagnetic waves radiation are emitted daily and every hour These waves generated by Mobile phones Internet usage Wireless communication devices contribute to heat emission Although the radiation itself does not directly release significant heat the continuous operation of these devices results in the release of heat energy into the environment As this occurs daily and hourly the cumulative impact adds to the overall warming of the planet Example 4G internet using 2009 when people population 680 crore and 5G internet using 2019 when people population 780 crore People Population Controlling or 4G 5G Internet Controlling and Future 6G 10G Internet Not Using Peoples in Ban and Controlling the Internet or People Population correction We can delay the death of the Earth but we cannot prevent it

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ASU West CEE 581 - Earth Heat

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