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Outlining the Research Essay in CHUNKS instructions Research Question and Answer o Research Question How plausible is it to integrate spiritual based treatment such as exorcisms to modern evidence based mental health treatment particularly for individuals whose perception of mental health relates to spirituality Answer Thesis While studies done show that spirituality promotes well being it would be ethically difficult to integrate this type of treatment into modern evidence based mental health treatment Introduction Narrative Description or Explanation I think a description of the rift between science and religion would draw the readers in and them up for what they can expect in my essay I will evaluate if the rift between science and religion and be bridged in the treatment of mental health Scholarly sources discussion Scholarly Source 1 MLA citation Turner Mahshid Can the Effects of Religion and Spirituality on Both Physical and Mental Health Be Scientifically Measured An Overview of the Key Sources with Particular Reference to the Teachings of Said Nursi Journal of Religion and Health vol 54 no 6 2015 pp 2045 51 JSTOR http www jstor org stable 24735943 Accessed 11 Nov 2024 Annotation The article explores two main questions how can religion and spirituality be defined and can they be scientifically measured The split between religion and science formed during the Enlightenment because it was thought that because there was no quantitative proof for a Divine that religion had to be completely separated Today doctors such as Dr Harold Koenig are blending the worlds of science and religion finding that those with sincere internal faith have higher well being and lower anxiety A problem arises from this finding as true belief would be ethically difficult to measure due to its level of subjectiveness and individuality While interests of incorporating spirituality into mental health treatment critics argue against it despite the possible benefits Theologian Said Nursi s work focuses on science and religion cannot be separated because science describes the world while religion gives it meaning While the health benefits of spirituality may be intangible and unable to prove religious involvement still has a strong correlation to well being This article provides an evaluation of the connection between religion and mental and physical health It provides an understanding for what religion and spirituality can look like and be defined as in a scientific manner It shows how religion conflicts with science due to its intangible unquantifiable nature however through limited studies it still shows a positive correlation with well being The author s argument is to provide an assessment on the separation between these two tools through the studies of neurologists theologians and physicians This is relevant to my essay which aims to answer the question if it is possible to integrate spiritual based treatment into modern evidence based mental health treatment I plan to use this article to provide the basis for the separation of religion and science It provides reasoning to why this is the case linking arguments back to the Enlightenment This article gives an analysis that supports why it would be challenging to incorporate spirituality into treatment while describing the health benefits it would have if it were to be possible too Scholarly Source 2 MLA citation not yet done Annotation not yet done Real world example Real World Example This TED Talk provides an example of the article s argument on integrating religious practice into mental health treatment Father Nick Monco explains how religion is the cognitive behavioral therapy of the soul and how like the article it can benefit well being and mental health Monco s focus on how religion answers the questions that mental illness can stem from agrees with Said Nursi s perspective on how religion gives meaning to the world I plan on using this real world application to show how the worlds of religion and science can be combined to benefit individuals Conclusion So What This paper aims to help those struggling with questions about life which can give rise to mental illness an additional perspective for thought about how religion can fill that void This paper does not aim to persuade readers to seek out spiritual guidance but to offer an analysis on how this can be beneficial Any other ideas for an additional chunk You are welcome to chat with the group and me about this Another Chunk Although I have shifted away from this narrative I still would like to see if I can fit exorcisms as a mental health treatment into this paper because this is something that I am fascinated about

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