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IN PERSON IMPORTANT Fall 24 1 You MUST DOWNLOAD this document onto your computer 2 You MUST use the DESKTOP version NOT the BROWSER version of Microsoft WORD This document contains fillable text boxes that are disabled on CANVAS and also on the browser version of Word In order to complete the In person portion of lab you will need to be able to type into these text boxes Chapter 10 12 Microbiology Microbiology One Three LEARNING OBJECTIVES Explore ubiquitous nature of bacteria by predicting and testing for presence of microbes on various everyday surfaces Test the effectiveness of various antimicrobial agents on inhibiting bacterial growth based on their mechanism of action Collaborate with lab group to explore possible questions about effectiveness of antimicrobial agents using provided background source information outside sourced information and findings from previous experiments design an experiment to test one of these questions Analyze and interpret authentic experimental results Prepare a PowerPoint presentation to share with the class that includes content background question experimental design results and conclusions and graphs and tables generated in Excel STEP 1 If you are using the browser version of Microsoft Word you will need to install the desktop version as outlined in the syllabus STEP 2 If you have not already download this document onto your computer STEP 3 Rename the document by inserting your name KU student ID where indicated as follows ONLINE Ch 10 12 Microbiology insert your name insert your KU student ID For example ONLINE Ch 10 12 Microbiology Jane Doe 7865024 STEP 4 You will be submitting this file when complete and it is important that we can identify your work Fill in the following information Name Lindsey Bruno Valdez KU Student ID 3176645 Email ku edu l415b843 ku edu GTA s name Sumaya Jahin 1 Ch 10 12 Microbiology F 24 IN PERSON SAVE AGAIN And remember to save your work often as you go IMPORTANT You will be using this document for Chapters 10 12 of Microbiology You will be adding work to it each week that builds on work from the previous week so it is important that you DOWNLOAD and SAVE the document on your desktop where you can easily find it each week to reuse Over the course of the next four weeks you will look at both the ubiquitous nature of bacteria as well as examine the effectiveness of a variety of antimicrobials You will use the information from the Background Reading as a foundation for all four weeks Your understanding of the information in this background will grow each lab as you gain a broader context to which you can apply the concepts In addition you are encouraged to explore beyond the information presented in the background THE THREE LABS BUILD ON EACH AND INVOLVE THE FOLLOWING Exercises What you will be doing Week One Pre lab Review Week One and Exercise 1 2 Pre lab Review Week Two and Exercise 3 6 No Pre lab questions Exercises 7 9 You will be learning aseptic techniques and engaging in making predictions about pre designed experiments You will interpret the results of the previous lab s experiments and use the techniques and insights gained to design a unique experiment in collaboration with your lab partners You will interpret the results of your experiment and work together to plan a presentation for the following lab Presentations You will present your results to your lab and your GTA Week Two Week Three Week Four WEEK ONE Pre lab Review for Week One The following questions cover information from the Background Reading relevant to the lab activities for Week One of Microbiology Before answering these questions make sure to go over this reading For each choose the option that BEST answers the question Pre Q1 Bacteria are A unicellular eukaryotes B multicellular prokaryotes C unicellular prokaryotes 2 Ch 10 12 Microbiology F 24 IN PERSON D multicellular eukaryotes C B B A C Pre Q2 Bacteria can live literally everywhere from deserts and hot springs to glaciers and volcanic vents miles beneath the ocean surface The ever present nature of bacteria is referred to as tenacious A B ubiquitous stubborn C D obdurate Pre Q3 In the hierarchical organization of life where each functional level of the hierarchy combines to make the next functional level molecules combine to make A cells B atoms C D macromolecules cell organelles Pre Q4 Nucleic acids are one of the four types of macromolecules Which of the following is an example of a nucleic acid A DNA B Fat C The enzyme amylase D The sugar glucose Pre Q5 Which of the following cell structures in a bacterium singular for bacteria functions as a physical barrier that allows some molecules into the cells but blocks others A Flagellum B Plasmid C Plasma membrane D Cytoplasm E Ribosome Pre Q6 We tend to think all bacteria are harmful All of the following are examples of beneficial bacteria EXCEPT A Bacteria that live in your gut and help digest your food B Bacteria that decompose dead bodies and waste C Bacteria that fix nitrogen for growing plants D Bacteria that cause disease E Bacteria that make antibiotics for pharmaceutical use 3 Ch 10 12 Microbiology F 24 IN PERSON Click or tap here to enter text Pre Q7 Which of the following statements best applies to antimicrobials A Antimicrobials are substances that kill or inhibit microbes B Antimicrobials only inhibit bacteria C All antimicrobials are broad spectrum D Antimicrobials are substances that can only be synthesized in the lab Pre Q8 The effectiveness of an antimicrobial might be influenced by the presence of other organic matter present A B how much time is required for the antimicrobial to be applied to a surface C D E All of these might influence the effectiveness the number of microbes present on a surface the specific mode of action of the antimicrobial Pre Q9 Compounds commonly found in soaps and detergents that disrupt plasma membranes or help lift A E D D scrubbers germs off surfaces are known as A B oxidizing agents interferons C D surfactants A Peroxygen B Antibiotic C Halogen D Alcohol E Heavy Metal Pre Q10 Hydrogen peroxide H2O2 is an example of a type of common chemical antimicrobial called a n EXECISE 1 Ubiquity of Bacteria In the background reading we have discussed that bacteria can live almost anywhere Now we are going to give you the chance to test that assertion We do not have any hot springs or ocean vents available but we can let you test anywhere you want in and around Haworth During this exercise you will

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KU BIOL 200 - Chapter 10-12

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