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This study source was downloaded by 100000798382906 from CourseHero com on 08 22 2022 20 07 59 GMT 05 00 https www coursehero com file 89550484 IE143P Lab Experiment 1 De Leondocx COGNITIVE ERGONOMICS LABORATORYExperiment No 1 Short term Memory SpanName De Leon Lance Albert S Date 08 26 2020DiscussionWorking memory is temporary storage that holds a limited amount of information including information from sensory memory while it is being processed It also serves as a conduit to long term memory Working memory is also called short term memory because the information contained in working memory gradually declines in strength as time proceeds Attention resources are required to keep an information item active in working memory such as the rehearsal of a telephone number either vocally or sub vocally until the number has been dialed The item is then forgotten forever unless entered into long term memory The number of images sounds and ideas that can be processed at one time in working memory is limited and the length of time that the information items can be kept active is also limited In addition the amount of attention required and the similarity of the information items being processed are key performance factors in the operation of working memory The upper limit on the number of information items that can be processed at one time in working memoryis about seven plus or minus two 7 2 items An information items is defined as a chunk which is an information entity that the mind works with as a unit The unit can be a single digit or it can be a much larger grouping of digits or other data forms that can be stored in memory as a single item When a chunkis retired say from long term memory it is recalled in its entirety as if it were one item Consider the following string of ten digits 6107584030 Surely remembering this number I the working memory would be difficult However if that number is recognized as the telephone number 610 758 4030 the number of chunks is reduced considerably and the number becomes easier to remember The same kind of chunking applies to letters and word sequences Furthermore chunks that are similar are more difficultto process and observation seems most applicable in the phonetic loop Administration TimeAround 30 minutes depending on level of impairment ProcedureNumbers with digits ranging from 5 to 13 will flash on the screen You have few seconds to memorize thenumber in the screen then it will disappear After that you will be given a few seconds as waiting time before typing the number in the text box Then click Answer and Next Continue the process as discussed in the procedure until the message Task Complete is flashed in the screen The Short Term Working Memory Experiment consists of three blocks of trial For all blocks the number digits that will appear on the screen will range from 5 13 You have 3 5 and 10 trials for each length of numbers You are also given time periods of 5 10 and 15 seconds for the three blocks respectively Outcome Measures This study source was downloaded by 100000798382906 from CourseHero com on 08 22 2022 20 07 59 GMT 05 00 https www coursehero com file 89550484 IE143P Lab Experiment 1 De Leondocx The outcome measures for Short Term memory Span experiment cover the number of errors for each trial and the number of correctly recalled items for each length Results of ExperimentBlock 1 Time Period 5 seconds LengthNo of correctly recalled Number of Error TrialsTrial 35103510535100006351000073410020834904192310421101591001123904112327061413247523Ave2 443 899 001 112 222 22Block 2 Time Period 10 seconds LengthNo of correctly recalled Number of ErrorTrialsTrials35103510 535900263590017359002835900393370861022724131132608131222528111300461627 This study source was downloaded by 100000798382906 from CourseHero com on 08 22 2022 20 07 59 GMT 05 00 https www coursehero com file 89550484 IE143P Lab Experiment 1 De Leondocx Ave2 443 227 221 114 898 67Block 3 Time Period 15 seconds LengthNo of correctly recalled Number of Error TrialsTrials35103510 53590026351000073580098148643933701412101377131311227112121212191342131226835Ave23 446 563 227 1114 22 This study source was downloaded by 100000798382906 from CourseHero com on 08 22 2022 20 07 59 GMT 05 00 https www coursehero com file 89550484 IE143P Lab Experiment 1 De Leondocx Data Analysis1 Based on the results of the experiment which block has the least number of error Which has the most number of error Which block did you perform better why Based from the values of the three tables block 1 has the lowest number of error fortrials 3 5 and 10 Because there is only a given time of 5 seconds before the studentcan type the answer While on the other hand block 3 has the highest number oferrors because amount of time given is 15 seconds before the student can answer Theshorter the interval time the easier the student can recall the numbers that was flashedon the screen 2 Does the accuracy of recalling items diminish as the length of items and elapsed timeof recall increased What factors may affect this decreasing or increasing accuracy Yes Factors that can affect the accuracy is the 1 degree of attention awakening andconcentration When the student is exhausted from his studies he can only memorizefew number of digits because the brain is also tired from storing and givinginformation Another factor that greatly affects the accuracy of recalling items is the 2 environment in which the activity was done The student can memorize even if thelength and elapsed time increases when there is only minimal sound from theenvironment The results from block 3 was mostly affected by the outsideenvironment causing many number of errors The third factor that affects theaccuracy is 3 lack of sleep Sleep is important to consolidate a memory so that it canbe recalled Lack of sleep also makes it more difficult for the brain to receive and giveinformation 3 Use Statistical Analysis Correlation Analysis to determine the relationship betweenthe length of items processed to number of correctly recalled items to the number oferror Give your interpretation This study source was downloaded by 100000798382906 from CourseHero com on 08 22 2022 20 07 59 GMT 05 00 https www coursehero com file 89550484 IE143P Lab Experiment 1 De Leondocx Correlation points between length of items and correctly recalled 0 97249 Lengthand correct are negatively correlated since the value is close to 1 0 Meaning as thelength of items increases the

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UCLA MECH&AE 101 - Experiment No. 1: Short term Memory Span

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