shared via CourseHero com This study resource was This study source was downloaded by 100000823013258 from CourseHero com on 04 10 2021 09 38 32 GMT 05 00 https www coursehero com file 75593994 JOURNAL REVIEW HUMAN RESOURCESdocx DMD 4313 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Individual Assignment Journal Review Tittle Diversity management as a strategic human resources agenda Critique and roadmap If you embrace diversity you risk workplace conflict but if you avoid diversity yourisk loss of competitiveness Michael Brazzel 2003 1 BackgroundInitially the article had found that the organization has not been able to optimize theadvantages of diversity in the absence of proper integration with Human ResourceManagement HRM strategic The article s domain is considered one of the mainchallenges in the diversity management DM in modern organisations in India According to Haq 2012 the Indian government enforced the affirmative actionpolicy of reservation and found that the woman as employees the public sector hadbecome challenges in the diversity arrangement The article s attention is facilitatedthe HRM in the private and public sector to develop the strategy outlined by applyingthe human capital of diversity more efficiently for improving the competitiveadvantage Thus the article s aim is to address the gap in the Human Resource HR practiceand promoting the strategic DM framework for measuring the employees outcome This article is conceptual article that addresses the diversity issue by analysing thecritical diversity literature in India This article also is explained the argument beingsupported by an empirical article Furthermore the article also discusses theprinciples for developing the strategic DM framework namely a Choosing thediversity definition and statement b Establishing the diversity climate c Buildingcontinuity between the strategic diversity sensitive HR practice d Developingeffective group and process leadership e Measuring the impact of DM practices 1 shared via CourseHero com This study resource was This study source was downloaded by 100000823013258 from CourseHero com on 04 10 2021 09 38 32 GMT 05 00 https www coursehero com file 75593994 JOURNAL REVIEW HUMAN RESOURCESdocx The aim of the essay is analysing the principles of strategic diversity managementframework had illustrated by Das 2019 Firstly the section will identify the Theconceptual linkage in the DM research and practices Secondly analysis thestrategic diversity management framework by applying the SWOT analysis Thirdly determine the critical of strategic diversity management framework Lastly theconclusion Most of the information had been collected via official reports from thebooks magazines official publications and journal articles Data from internet alsobeen employed to gain the information for references may be related to this essay 2 The conceptual linkage in the DM research and practices Based on the Figure 1 the diagram had illustrated the 4 four of main component inthe conceptual linkage in the DM namely a the HR Function which are cover 2 two subcomponent Strategic HR and Operational HR b employees with focal diversity c the intermediary workplace behaviours d performance outcomes Thecomponents had a role and task during the process gaining the performanceoutcome The concept had focused the HR Function component is the main role fordeveloping the strategic DM framework and enhancing the practices based on thestrategic DM Initially the principles for developing the strategic DM framework asguidance to develop the strategic DM and gaining the information of diversity from2Diagram 1 Conceptual linkages in DM research and praxis shared via CourseHero com This study resource was This study source was downloaded by 100000823013258 from CourseHero com on 04 10 2021 09 38 32 GMT 05 00 https www coursehero com file 75593994 JOURNAL REVIEW HUMAN RESOURCESdocx the HR practices who are selected employee diversity The intermediary workplacebehaviours component as a platform has facilities such as a data and Informationand Communications Technology ICT system so that facilitated the employeesconducting the job While the performance outcome is the result that could bemeasured by the HR function for achieving the organisation s value 3 Analyse the strategic diversity management framework by applying theSWOT analysisThis section will be analysing the strategic DV framework by applying the SWOTanalysis The SWOT analysis is a structured method used to evaluate the strengths weaknesses opportunities and threats related to a public or private sector Furthermore it related the specifying the objective or activities of the organisationand identifying the internal and external factors that are favourable and unfavourabletowards a project or business study Thus the selected activities had been identifiedcould be affected by the internal and external factors The internal factor isorganisation environment could be impacted the activities such as top management HR staff diversity employees facilities motivation communication internal policy work conflict and work culture The external factor is external organisation could beeffected the activities such as competitors high demand industries governmentpolicy work family conflict and advancement technology The circle is presenting theflexibility of each activity to changing its rules and task due influence either theinternal and external factors in the future 3 1Strength Increasing reputation the organisation in the labour market Improving the organisational performance Enhancing the natural and cultural diversity arrangement Providing a large pool of idea and opportunities for selecting the appropriateidea More job being accomplished in less time and better quality product Enhancing the knowledge of the whole team by interaction among memberteam 3 shared via CourseHero com This study resource was This study source was downloaded by 100000823013258 from CourseHero com on 04 10 2021 09 38 32 GMT 05 00 https www coursehero com file 75593994 JOURNAL REVIEW HUMAN RESOURCESdocx Enhancing team commitment performance motivation and attendance 3 2Weakness Some individual are not compatible with teamwork Team commitment may overshadow personal desire HRM may recognise a team achievement rather than individual achievement One individual s negative can demoralize the entire team Budget constraints for improving the intermediate workplace behaviour High compensation benefits demand from the team members
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