shared via CourseHero com This study resource was This study source was downloaded by 100000835818068 from CourseHero com on 10 30 2021 19 14 14 GMT 05 00 https www coursehero com file 77455941 NUR510 Brandt K WorldviewSummaries1docx 1Summary of Christian Worldview versus Postmodern WorldviewKaley BrandtSchool of Nursing and Human Sciences Spring Arbor UniversityNUR 510 Moral and Ethical Decision MakingCynthia Van WykSeptember 24 2020 shared via CourseHero com This study resource was This study source was downloaded by 100000835818068 from CourseHero com on 10 30 2021 19 14 14 GMT 05 00 https www coursehero com file 77455941 NUR510 Brandt K WorldviewSummaries1docx 2Summary of Christian Worldview versus Postmodern WorldviewQuestionChristian WorldviewPostmodern Worldview1 What is prime reality the really real Since I was a little girl I have beentold God is your savior Growingup in a religious household thethought that there are people in thisworld that continue to question God sexistence just doesn t make sense tome As stated in Sire 2009 God isthe one prime existent the one primereality and the one source of all otherreality p 28 Having a Christianworldview means that you have anunderstanding of the importance tohave a personal relationship withGod And that relationship issomething to be cherished andprotected God is a being he hasfeelings characteristics opinions andshows infinite love and forgiveness As Sire 2009 explains he is similarto all other human beings but he isthe ultimate form of a human being God has shown to be real byshowcasing his ultimate knowledgeof all things His knowledge knowsno bounds and he has continued toprove that nothings is beyond hisreach Sire 2009 Not any othercreation in time has demonstrated thelove and sacrifice that God giveseach and every day Descartes s famous quote I think therefore I am has shown to be a danger to those who are against the postmodern worldview of thinking Haldane 2011 In the postmodern worldview of thinking things are believed to be real if you feel they are real Knowing is put before being it isthought that what you know is what isactually true Sire 2009 For example a person may tell themselves I think I do not believe in God in turn that person may actually start to not believe in God simply because they think they don t The problem is it causes room for doubt and doubt can be a very dangerous thing Sire 2009 By following this way of thinking I believe a person could convince themselves that almost anything is real and right if they put forth enough time and effort Dangerous examples of this can include pedophilia murder and pornography shared via CourseHero com This study resource was This study source was downloaded by 100000835818068 from CourseHero com on 10 30 2021 19 14 14 GMT 05 00 https www coursehero com file 77455941 NUR510 Brandt K WorldviewSummaries1docx 32 What is the nature of external reality that is the world around us God is constantly involved in theunfolding pattern of the ongoingoperation of the universe Sire 2009 p 32 When I read this I thinkof the fact that God already knowsthe ending to our story Yes we eachmake individual decisions on a dailybasis that will affect the course of ourlife but ultimately God knows theending result This idea that ourdecisions have consciences is anexample of an open system Theuniverse is orderly and God does notpresent us with confusion but withclarity Sire 2009 p 32 As aChristian woman I know that Godhas a plan for my life During thehard times in life when certain thingsare out of my control and do not gomy way I have learned to except thefact that it is part of God s plan formy life The postmodern worldview mindset believes in the idea that human beingsare just material creatures The worldview subscribes to the idea that we are an unintentional creation from an uncaring source Sire 2009 The idea that what a person knows is not as important as how that person knows what they know is relative in this type of worldview Sire 2009 The opposite of a Christian worldview the postmodern believers do not believe that there is a plan for their life they believe that they make their own plan based on what beliefs they choose to subscribe to 3 What is a human being Human beings are created in theimage of God Sire 2009 p 32 Ahuman being is a living breathingindividual that is capable of manythings God created human beings tobe a lesser version of himself in thesense that we are capable of beinglike him in many ways Sire 2009 As human beings we can learn fromour mistakes know the differencebetween right and wrong and we canlearn to treat each other with respect Unlike God human beings arecapable of lying being deceitful andthey can be influenced by evil Sire 2009 Lucky for us all humanbeings are worthy of forgiveness inthe eyes of Jesus Christ our savior There is no substantial self human beings make themselves who they are by the languages they construct about themselves Sire 2009 p 226 The postmodern way of thinking believes that humans determine who they will be based on what they choose to do and how they choose to think Sire 2009 They refute the idea that God knew who we would be even before our birth It is believed that whatever language you use to describe yourself is what makes you your truest self According to postmodernist human beings are highly complicated electrochemical machines whose complexity we do not understand Salladay 2000 shared via CourseHero com This study resource was This study source was downloaded by 100000835818068 from CourseHero com on 10 30 2021 19 14 14 GMT 05 00 https www coursehero com file 77455941 NUR510 Brandt K WorldviewSummaries1docx 44 What happens to a person at death At death people are transformed intoeither an existence with God and hispeople or they enter an existenceforever separated from God Sire 2009 p 41 As stated above ashuman beings we are ultimatelyresponsible for the actions anddecisions we make After death wewill have a day of judgement we willbe judged on those decisions and ourultimate decision of who we chooseto follow during our time on earth Hell is God s tribute to the freedomhe gave each of us to choose whomwe would serve Sire 2009 p 41 Many believers will use thestatement I am not afraid to die This is because as believers of Christ we know where we will be goingonce that day comes and we knowthat Heaven will be a glorious placeof God The postmodern worldview has the belief that when an individual dies their value of
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