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shared via CourseHero com This study resource was This study source was downloaded by 100000835169446 from CourseHero com on 12 05 2021 13 20 21 GMT 06 00 https www coursehero com file 27449335 One Two Three Little Indians SSA Scriptdocx One Two Three Little IndiansBy Angelina Rayeedah Adittya and ColinIntroductionAngelina Good Morning Class My name is AngelinaRayeedah Colin Adittya Introduces themselves Angelina The story we analyzed is called One Two Three Little Indians a short story written by Hugh Garner PlotAngelina The story is about a small family of Native Americans who live near a trailer camp in Northern Ontario The family consists of a father Big Tom a mother Mary and an unnamed baby Tom and Mary work at the trailer camp In the opening scene Big Tom is at home with his baby eating dinner doing chores The baby is sick and Big Tom notices that the sickness seems to be getting worse This is the expositionColin Then Mary enters Tom wants Mary to take the baby to a doctor tomorrow but she says she can t as she plans on scrubbing out a lady s trailer in exchange for an old dress The next day Big Tom goes to the trailer camp nearby to sell baskets The trailer residents are racist towards Big Tom one man took pictures of him without asking permission and said I wish he d look into the camera as if Tom were an exotic animal Later that day Big Tom speaks to Mr Cooper the trailer camp owner about his sick child but Mr Cooper is dismissive of the topicAdittya After that Big Tom acts as a guide to Mr Staynor a resident at the trailer camp while he fishes shared via CourseHero com This study resource was This study source was downloaded by 100000835169446 from CourseHero com on 12 05 2021 13 20 21 GMT 06 00 https www coursehero com file 27449335 One Two Three Little Indians SSA Scriptdocx He brings his baby along and gets worried as the baby gets sicker This is one of the smaller crises When Mr Staynor sees Tom s baby he allows him to turn the boat back Tom asks for help from a group of trailer residents to get his baby to the doctor but they leave Big Tom decides to carry his baby and run to the doctor The time period in which Big Tom is running is the climax of the story He ran until nightfall but it was too late The baby diedRayeedah Now as the short story nears its denouement Tom returns home and goes to the trailer camp entrance to wait for his wife to return from an unknown location Mary returns drunk in a car with two men and another indigenous woman Angry and grieving Tom grabs Marry by the hair and almost strikes her but changes his mind at the last second Mary looks into his eyes and realizes the baby is dead They returned to their cabin to mourn for their child s death As you can see the structure of the story is linear as there are no flashbacks in the story very clear beginning middle and end SettingColin One Two Three Little Indians takes place in North Ontario in the 1950s The place was mentioned in the story but we made an inference about the time period based on the term Indian being used in the story Since Indian is not asocially acceptable term to use for Aboriginal people today we can conclude that the short story took place a fairly long time ago Also it was mentioned that Big Tom used to work in the mines during the war which ended in the year of 1945 CharactersColin Big Tom Adittya Mary Rayeedah Baby The unnamed Native born baby was the son of Big Tom and Mary In the story he dies of pneumonia due to poverty and discrimination Since the Caucasians believed that the Natives weren t at their level of respect they were reluctant to shared via CourseHero com This study resource was This study source was downloaded by 100000835169446 from CourseHero com on 12 05 2021 13 20 21 GMT 06 00 https www coursehero com file 27449335 One Two Three Little Indians SSA Scriptdocx help Big Tom get his dying baby to a doctor before the baby s untimely death Angelina A minor character in the story is Mr Staynor It is a bit unclear who exactly he is but we made an inference from the text that he is a resident at the trailer camp who uses the fishing service at the camp He s depicted as a fairly nice person as he allows Tom to head back to shore to get a doctor for his baby but that s extent of his willingness to help Tom In this sense Mr Staynor is similar to most of the other characters in the story as he believes indigenous people aren t worth helpingPoint of ViewAdittya Although he is not the narrator of the story the story is told from Big Tom spoint of view because it follows him throughout the duration of a few days It is third person PoV because the story is written as if it is told by an onlooker It is also limited because the narrator doesn t know everything for example at the end it was unknown where Mary went ImagesettersAngelina Imagery is used in the story to contribute to the theme of racism and poverty experienced by Native Americans An example of imagery is on pg 44 After they had eaten Big Tom pushedthe cracked and dirty supper things to the back of the table and took the baby from its high chair carefully so as not to spill the flotsam of bread crumbs and boiled potatoes from the chair to the floor This example of imagery is at the very first sentence in the story to make sure the reader s first impression of our main characters is the state of poverty they re living inConflict Adittya Main Conflict was between Big Tom and society The sub conflict was Big Tom s Baby dying which is significant because itrepresented the main conflictResolution shared via CourseHero com This study resource was This study source was downloaded by 100000835169446 from CourseHero com on 12 05 2021 13 20 21 GMT 06 00 https www coursehero com file 27449335 One Two Three Little Indians SSA Scriptdocx Angelina The resolution is the death of Tom s baby as when he dies Tom s struggle to get the baby to the doctor ends and so does our suspense The resolution in this story is significant because it represents the lack of ahappy ending for indigenous people in Canada Indigenous people have suffered many hardships having their land taken away from them having their children placed in residential schools Although it is widely recognized that injustices were done to them there isstill no happy ending Many Native Americans live in poverty and struggle with losing their culture but no one is trying hard to help them This is similar to in the story how people acknowledged that …

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Toronto ENGA 11 - One-Two-Three Little Indians

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