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SOC 134 Exam 3 Study Guide Fall 2024 Module The Criminal Justice System Michelle Alexander 2010 The New Jim Crow Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness racial caste system social control mass incarceration the war on drugs colorblindness penalties from incarceration what rights are lost carceral state New Jim Crow argument self policing argument Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act Hint be sure to know how these readings build on one another effect of criminal record politics of licensing peremptory challenges Batson Rule drug sentencing policies how have they limitations of Batson Rule changed sentencing disparities e g crack vs powder cocaine stop and frisk statistics of differential incarceration rates by race reasons for desegregation s failure diversity vs desegregation effects of continued segregation connect to Massey and Denton cultural arguments for educational inequality acting white theory limitations of acting white theory e g how is it critiqued attitude achievement paradox what happened to the Normandy school district resistance to integration see historical parallels Eubank and Fresh 2022 Enfranchisement and Incarceration after the 1965 Voting Rights Act Lewis 2016 America s Whites Only Weed Boom More Perfect podcast Object Anyway Lecture concepts Cobb 2014 The Failure of Desegregation Module Education Toldson Why Acting White Theory Doesn t Add Up Podcast from This American Life featuring Nikole Hannah Jones The Problem We All Live With Part One Lecture concepts Module Affirmative Action Poon et al 2021 I Had a Friend Who Had Worse Scores Than Me and They Got Into a Better College Huynh Affirmative Action Ruling Hits Just as UW Madison Improves Diversity Lecture concepts educational effect of integration how integration can repair harms educational inequality Booker T Washington vs W E B DuBois what were their philosophies of education school desegregation what caused it Brown v Board of Education white backlash to integration what did it look like the Little Rock Nine causes of racial inequalities in education relevant statistics for racial inequalities in education e g black white achievement gap racialized school discipline social and cultural capital oppositional culture code switching features of the hidden curriculum racial formation within anti affirmative action movements two myths of race conscious admissions legal framework behind today s race conscious admissions connect to lecture the Asian penalty myth the myth of unqualified students UW s holistic approach to admissions impacts on UW diversity initiatives what do might they look like alternative methods for diversity promotion affirmative action model minority myth legal basis of affirmative action relevant Supreme Court cases o University of California Regents v Bakke o Grutter v Bollinger o Fisher v University of Texas o Students for Fair Admissions v Module Immigration Casta eda 2024 Does the US really have an immigration problem Podcast from This American Life Our Town Parts 1 and 2 Lecture concepts Harvard and UNC misconceptions of affirmative action o racial quotas and reverse discrimination o belief that race blind admissions is fair non racial factors that can be considered in college admissions What are the misconceptions about immigration in the US What could be the benefits of immigration for the US today What happened in Albertville Alabama How did immigration affect the town overlaps of local state and national politics role of the schools in Albertville nativism demographic changes in immigrant population be sure to know the causes of these changes citizenship laws and policies be sure to understand the causes and consequences of these policies o Naturalization Law of 1790 o anti Asian immigrant policies Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 Fong Yue Ting v United States 1893 Magnuson Act of 1943 o anti Southern and Eastern European immigration policies Emergency Quota Act of 1921 Johnson Reed Act of 1924 o anti Mexican immigration policies Bracero Program Operation Wetback o Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 o Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 o Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigration Responsibility Act of 1996 o Arizona SB 1070 o DACA What did it do What did it not do assimilation Tips and Tricks immigration and crime Be sure that you understand how these readings build on one another i e think about what the authors would say if they were having a discussion Understand the connection of these readings and lecture concepts Be sure to think about how these topics relate to previous modules While the exams are not cumulative fully understanding these topics requires connecting back to previous ideas Come to office hours if you have any questions or would like to review materials

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UW-Madison SOC 134 - Exam #3 Study Guide

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