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Name Due by Sunday Nov 24 11 59 PM Up to 35 points Hunger and Eating Assignment The purpose of this exercise is to help students read and follow Instructions think about and review hunger and satiety processes Carefully read each of the six prompts and review your class notes before answering Some prompts will ask for students to fill in the blank some require matching and others written responses The page will expand as you type so do not use the spacing as a cue for explanation length If you prefer to hand write your answers download assignment expand the spaces as needed write your answers clearly scan into a PDF For prompts that require a description or explanation there is a required minimum of 2 3 clear and complete sentences for each For some items a longer explanation will be required to provide all the necessary information to earn full credit When finished upload into Canvas Assignments All the information that you need to complete this assignment was discussed in class refer to your class notes If you have any questions or concerns please see one of us for help 1 Roc is walking down Forbes Avenue when he smells the cheeseburger that Dr K is eating at Stack d Roc starts feeling really hungry and decides to walk in and join Dr K He orders a hamburger and fries and he and Dr K chat as he eats his lunch Once they re done Roc leaves and feels happy and full for the rest of his day Name and explain what is occurring during each of the three phases of energy metabolism that Roc experienced Clearly label each phase and clearly explain 9 points 2 Below are descriptions of satiety peptides Roc s body produced after eating that made him feel full In the blank line provided name the satiety peptide 3 points a This peptide is secreted by the ileum and its secretion is proportionate to the number of calories in the food consumed b This peptide is secreted by the duodenum in response to fats and amino acids being absorbed by the duodenum c This peptide is secreted by subcutaneous adipose cells and produces longer term satiety 3 When he walked past Stack d the next day Roc realized that it was time to eat and noticed that his appetite was stimulated Below are descriptions of hunger peptides Roc s body produced that made him start feeling hungry Name the hunger peptide being described 2 points a Because Roc s duodenum was empty at the time his stomach released this hunger peptide resulting in his perception of hunger b This peptide was released by Roc s arcuate nucleus and appeared to increase his appetite and preference for the carbohydrates in the Stack d burgers 4 Ever since Roc was a cub he has always liked eating red meat Why might Roc have developed this food preference Explain Hint Because he is a Panther is not an answer 2 points 5 Roc is curious about what part of his brain is operating when he is eating The arcuate nucleus is central for regulating hunger Name the 1 hunger and 3 satiety peptides that bind to NPY AgRP neurons in the arcuate nucleus For each one 1 state whether it has an excitatory or inhibitory effect on NPY AgRP neurons and 2 explain what that means and how it impacts the release of NPY AgRP i e more release or less release 16 points 6 Match each description to the correct theory model 3 points A Hunger occurs because of an energy deficit based on blood glucose and fat levels B Weight tends to drift around a natural point at which various factors that affect body weight reach equilibrium C Humans eat because of the anticipated pleasure of the eating experience settling point model set point theory positive incentive theory

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Pitt PSY 0505 - Hunger and Eating Assignment

Type: Assignment
Pages: 3
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