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Chem 1202 Fall 2024 Exam 2 Study Guide Exam 2 will be held during class on Friday Oct 11th from 1 30 2 20 PM The exam will have 18 multiple choice questions 2 bonus questions from Section 17 3 on Titrations and cover Chapter 16 on Acid Base Equilibria and Sections 17 1 17 2 from Chapter 17 on Common Ion Effect and Buffers The powerpoints for this chapter and these sections are on Moodle You should review the following concepts for the exam Definitions of Br nsted Lowry acids and bases Know general dissociation reactions for weak acids and bases and from those write Ka Identify strong acids and strong bases Be able to rank acidity and basicity based on position on periodic table or number of O and Kb expressions atoms Identify Lewis acids and bases Polyprotic acids Determine if a salt is acidic or basic Determine if a salt is acidic or basic Common ion effect Buffers buffer range and buffer capacity You should review the following equations and calculations examples in the powerpoint and worked during class Find H3O given OH and vice versa Be able to calculate pH pOH and pKa pKb Find pH from concentration of acid base ICE table Find pH from Ka Find Ka or Kb from pH or pOH Find ionization Find Ka from Kb or pKa from pKb or vice versa for conjugate pairs Use Henderson Hasselbalch equation in buffer calculations You will be given the following constants and equations for the exam Kw 1 0 x 10 14 Molarity formula Henderson Hasselbalch equation Percent ionization formula

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LSU CHEM 1202 - Exam 2 Study Guide

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