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This study source was downloaded by 100000851376233 from CourseHero com on 11 25 2024 21 26 35 GMT 06 00 https www coursehero com file 233982544 Study Questions for Final Exam fall 2022docx F Review Questions for ANSC 3010 Final Exam old material from first 3 exams 1 One of the biggest challenges that livestock producers and nutritionists face is understanding how we can utilize available natural resources more Efficiently to ensure adequate food supply produced for world s population 2 Know which animals we have discussed are ruminants monogastric and non ruminant herbivores Ruminant cow sheep and goats Non ruminants swine poultry dogs cats rats humans Non ruminants herbivores horses rabbits guinea pigs elephants and hippos 3 What micoorganisms are in the rumen and which of these makes up the majority of the microbes Bacteria protozoa and fungi Bacteria is most commonly found 4 What are the 3 main volatile fatty acids produced in the rumen and and large intestine too Acetate propionate butyrate5 Which part of the chicken s GI tract functions as the true stomach and produces HCl How is the chicken s GI tract different from other monogastric animals Proventriculus no teeth gizzrd grinds food ceca discards urine and feces 6 Know the parts of the ruminant stomach Esophagus rumen reticulum omasum abomasum 7 Name the six basic nutrients classes found in all plants and animals and which ones can be used as energy sources Water carbs proteins lipids vitamins minerals8 Know the fat soluble vitamins A D E K 9 Be able to recognize if a vitamin is water soluble B1 B2 B6 B12 C Niacin Folic acid Pantothenic acid biotin and Choline 10 Know whether a mineral is a macro or micromineral Macro Ca P Cl Mg K Na S Micro Cr Co Cu F Fe I Mn Mo Ni Se Si Zn 11 Proximate analysis procedures Know what is measured by each determines the nutrient characteristic of feed dry matter Crude Protein CP ether extract Crude fiber Ash and nitrogen free extracr 12 Corn is the energy feed that has the highest digestible energy content for animals is regarded as best feed grain and is the cereal grain that all other feed grains are compared to in North America 13 Soybean Meal is the most important protein supplement for livestock feeding in US and many other countries This study source was downloaded by 100000851376233 from CourseHero com on 11 25 2024 21 26 35 GMT 06 00 https www coursehero com file 233982544 Study Questions for Final Exam fall 2022docx 14 Poultry litter and urea are important sources of non protein nitrogen for ruminants Of course we don t feed these to monogastric animals 15 What is the toxin in cottonseed meal that we must be concerned about Gossypol16 Phytase is added to swine and poultry diets to improve the bioavailability of which macromineral Phosphorus17 Alfalfa is known as the queen of the forages 18 Be able to recognize some of the important cool season grasses warm season grasses and legumes Study the forages picture slides If I can figure out how to do it I will puta few on the test Cool ryegraa orchard tall fescue timothy Warm Bermuda bahia dallia johnson Legumes alfalfa clovers red white sweet perennial peanut kudzu lespedeza and birdfoot trefoil 19 Know what hay silage and baleage are Hay less than 15 moisture Silage anaeronic fermentation lactic acid 65 75 moisture Baleage 30 40 moisture large bales and wrapped in plastic 20 In swine diets which amino acid is usually first limiting and all other amino acids are given as ratios to this amino acid lysine21 What is the most limiting amino acid for poultry fed corn SBM diets 22 First limiting amino acid for horses Lysine23 The Van Soest fiber procedure has become more common and has replaced the crude fiber procedure because it more accurately defines the carbohydrate components associated with plant materials What are the 2 components of the Van Soest fiber analysis Indicate which is negatively associated with intake and which is negatively associated with digestibility spell out and give abbreviations 2 pts Neutral detergent fiber NDF Acid detergent Fiber ADF NDF can affect DMI ADF digestability 24 Ruminants are able to utilize fibrous feeds because rumen microbes have which enzyme not present in mammals Cellulase it degrades cellulose 25 Know which drugs are legal to use without a VFD and which ones require VFD only the ones we emphasized in class This study source was downloaded by 100000851376233 from CourseHero com on 11 25 2024 21 26 35 GMT 06 00 https www coursehero com file 233982544 Study Questions for Final Exam fall 2022docx Powered by TCPDF www tcpdf org 26 What are Ionophores and why do we use them Increase feed efficiency by altering the fermentation process

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