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PRINCIPLES OF MANAGEMENT PRACTICE TEST Short Answer Questions 1 How do principles of management help managers in fulfilling social responsibility State 2 State the role of route clerk in functional foremanship 3 How do principles of management help managers in meeting the requirements of the changing environment State 4 Explain unity of command and equity as principles of 5 Explain briefly discipline and scalar chain as principles general management of general management management 6 Explain order and initiative as principles of general 7 Explain briefly Initiative and Esprit de Corps as principles of general management 8 Explain briefly Remuneration of Employees and Scalar Chain as principles of general management Long Answer Questions 1 State any four features of Principles of Management 2 What is meant by principles of management State any three points of their importance 3 Explain the following principles of management Scalar chain i ii Harmony not discord 4 Explain any five points of significance of Principles of Management 5 With the help of a diagram explain Functional Foremanship as a technique of scientific management

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