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PRINCIPLES OF MANAGEMENT QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 1 What did Taylor want to communicate through mental revolution Answer Taylor emphasized that there should be complete transformation in the thinking or attitude of management and workers towards each other Managers should share surplus with workers and the workers should work with full devotion 2 Give any one point of difference between management principles and scientific principles Answer The management principles are flexible but scientific principles are rigid 3 Give any difference between Management principles and values Answer Management principles are guidelines for managerial actions whereas values are rules for behaviour of individual in society 4 Give any one point of difference between management principles and techniques Answer Management principles are guidelines for managerial actions whereas management techniques are methods and procedures which involve series of steps to be performed to accomplish the goal 5 Give any two features of management principles Answer The two features of management principles are i Management principles are solved by practice and experiments ii Management principles are general guidelines 6 Are the principles of management static Answer No they are not static These can be changed according to the nature of organisation 7 List any two principles of scientific management formulated by Taylor for managing any organisation scientifically Answer The two principles of scientific management formulated by Taylor for managing any organisation scientifically are i ii i ii Science not rule of thumb Harmony not discord 8 How are management principles derived Answer Management principles are derived by Deep observation Repeated experiments 9 Why are that management principles universal Answer Management principles are said to be universal because these are applicable in all types of organisations at all levels and at all times 10 Which principle of Fayol cannot be applied when organisation is following technique d functional foremanship Answer Unity of command 11 Describe the meaning of replacement of rule of thumb with science Answer Replacement of rule of thumb with science refers to making use of scientific approach for every element of management that means not relying on intuition experience and wish of manager but taking decisions more scientifically 12 How do the techniques of time study and motion study help in improving the efficiency level Answer The techniques of time and motion study help in improving efficiency by i ii Setting up standard time required to perform a job Setting up daily weekly targets on the basis of standard time calculated scientifically By cutting down the wasteful and unproductive movements Saving the energy of employees spent on unproductive movements iii iv 13 Why does the principle of unity of command not hold good in an organisation using technique of functional foremanship Answer Principle of unity of command insists on orders from one and only one boss The principle of functional foremanship insists on orders and instructions from minimum eight bosses So if an organisation has appointed eight functional experts four each in planning and operation department then it is not possible to allow only one boss to give orders So at a time organisation can apply only one of these principles as both are contradictory or in contrast to each other 14 Taylor s techniques of management are universally applicable Do you agree Give four reasons to support your answer Answer Yes I agree with this statement because Taylor s techniques are developed through scientific approach and not by rule of thumb Any principle developed scientifically is universally applicable because these are not affected by personal feelings intuitions of manager these are based on pure scientific approach The techniques which facilitate the universal applicability of Taylor s principles are a Time study b Motion study c Standardisation d Mental revolution e Method study f Fatigue study But some techniques of Taylor are not universally applicable under some situations These are i ii iii Functional foremanship This technique is not applicable in the organisations adopting principle of unity of command Differential piece rate system This technique is not possible in organisations following principle of equity Simplification This technique is not suitable for organisations having objective of diversification and expansion of line of products and varieties

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ISU BLAW 564 - Principles of Management Q and A

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