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PRINCIPLES OF MANAGEMENT MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS 1 When a superior does not fulfil the promise to raise the salary wages of workers on achievement of target effectively and efficiency it is violation of a People of Remuneration b Principle of Discipline c Both a and b d None of the above Answer Principle of Discipline 2 Management Principles provide a Readymade solution to managerial problems b Guidelines for managerial action c Guarantee for success of an organisation d All of the above Answer Guidelines for managerial action Gang Plank permits direct communication between 3 a Employees working at same level b Any employees irrespective of their level c Employees of same department only d None of the above Answer Any employees irrespective of their level 4 Organisation Interest supersede employees interest is indicated in a Principle of Subordination of individual interest to General Interest b Principle of Esprit De Corps c Principle of Discipline d Principle of initiative Answer Principle of Subordination of individual interest to General Interest 5 The employees should be judiciously penalised for their actions against the organisation is indicated in a Principle of Equity b Principle of Discipline c Principle of Responsibility Authority d None of the above Answer Principle of Discipline 6 Principle of Responsibility and Authority insists on a Responsibility is greater than Authority b Responsibility is equal to Authority c Authority is greater than Responsibility d All of the above Answer Responsibility is equal to Authority 7 Frequent transfer and turnover of employees lead to violation of a Principle of Esprit De Corps b Principle of Discipline c Principle of Initiative d Principle of Stability of Personal Answer Principle of Stability of Personal 8 Principle of Initiative a Boosts up the morale of employees b Brings down the morale of employees c Does not effect on morale of employees d None of the above Answer Boots up the morale of employees 9 Unity of Command insists on a One Boss One employee b Order from a single superior c Match between orders of different bosses d All of the above Answer Order from single superior violating a Principle of Discipline b Principal of Esprit De Corps c Principle of Remuneration d Principle of Equity 10 If a manager is biased in dealing with people from different states he is Answer Principle of Equity 11 Simplification technique insists on a Using simple method of production b More varieties of product c Elimination of unnecessary diversity of products size and types d All of the above Answer Elimination of unnecessary diversity of products size and types 12 The main objective of Fatigue Study is a To eliminate tiring movements of workers b To decide number duration and frequency of break intervals c To differentiate productive and non productive movements of workers d All of the above Answer To decide number duration and frequency of break intervals 13 Unity of Direction insists on a One unit one plan b Efforts of all employees should be directed in one direction only c No overlapping of different department d All of the above Answer All of the above 14 Principle of Order insists on a Orders from single superior b Fix and right place for every men and material c Employees must work as per order of superior only d One boss one command Answer Fix and right place for every men and material 15 According to Fayol a Organisation must use policy of centralisation b Organisation must use policy of decentralisation c Organisation must use combination of centralisation and decentralisation d None of the above Answer Organisation must use combination of centralisation and decentralisation

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