CHEM 102A General Chemistry I Fall 2024 Basic Course Information CHEM 102A General Chemistry I Fall 2024 Full semester Live lectures Tuesdays and Thursdays 11 am to 11 50 am in 100 Noyes Lab Weekly Hours of Expected Student Work apart from instruction time 10 hours 3 credit hours Welcome to CHEM 102A Instructor Information Dr Kelly Marville Email marville illinois edu I am a Senior Lecturer in the General Chemistry Department and have been in love with chemistry since I was 13 years old I have performed research worked in industry and now teach chemistry full time I have taught and mentored students at every level of their academic journey i e middle school to university level Office hours in 3031 CHEM Annex Mondays and Wednesdays 12 30 2 00 pm Teaching Assistant Information TBD Why take CHEM 102A What we will be learning in this class is directly connected and related to all aspects of our daily lives Chemistry is involved in the great and not so great feelings we experience when we exercise fall in love catch a cold laugh cry play a video game taste or smell watch a video or hear our favorite song Our everyday lives are enriched and made possible due to the presence of fabrics plastics vehicles electronics and food Chemical elements materials and chemistry concepts are responsible for the manufacture of all the items we use daily and this class teaches these concepts and how to apply them CHEM 102A General Chemistry I Fall 2024 Student Learning Outcomes 1 Identify the chemistry concept involved in making an example of a real life occurrence possible 2 Distinguish between possible and impossible proposed answers to a given problem 3 Integrate multiple ideas in the problem solving process 4 Apply information learned in a variety of ways 5 Understand the underlying theoretical principles that explain chemical behavior at the atomic molecular and macroscopic levels Absence Policy If you are unable to attend a lecture please contact Dr Marville as soon as possible If the absence is excusable religious observance family emergency illness etc then you can be excused up to a maximum of 3 times for graded iClicker questions if asked in the class missed Hour Exams are 50 minute exams scheduled on September 26 October 31 and December 5 at 7 00 pm If you miss an Hour exam with a valid documented excuse see University regulations this exam will be excused If you do not have a valid excuse and miss an Hour Exam you will receive 0 points for the exam An excused Hour Exam absence means that the student MUST take the Retake Exam for the Hour Exam missed Retakes of Hour Exams 1 2 and 3 are 50 minute exams that are not mandatory and are scheduled on October 1 November 6 and December 10 at 7 00 pm Students must sign up using the online link provided by the deadline to qualify to take a Retake A student who signs up for a Retake and subsequently cannot take that Retake due to an excusable absence religious observance family emergency illness etc must provide dated supporting documentation as soon as possible that supports why they cannot take the Retake they signed up to take Once this documentation is received that student will earn the class average of that Retake exam and their Hour Exam score as their after Retake Hour Exam score A student may only be excused from ONE Hour Exam and one Retake Exam that they have already signed up for If you have an EX grade in the gradebook for an assignment or exam that has been excused the following formula is used by the grade book to calculate the number of points for that excused assignment EX excused assignment sum of all student s non excused scores for that kind of assignment sum of all student s non excused possible points for that kind of assignment x possible points the excused assignment is worth CHEM 102A General Chemistry I Fall 2024 Prerequisites Credit in or exemption from MATH 112 one year of high school chemistry or equivalent All students enrolled in CHEM 102 should also enroll in CHEM 103 CHEM 102 and CHEM 103 are approved for General Education credit only as a sequence Both courses must be completed to receive Natural Science and Technology credit stoichiometry reactions chemical bonding Course Description CHEM 102O covers fundamental principles and laws of chemistry Topics include atomic and molecular structure periodicity chemical thermochemistry thermodynamics gas laws solutions and chemical equilibria General Education Categories This course satisfies General Education criteria for Nat Sci Tech Phys Sciences Course Schedule Our course website is available at Canvas canvas illinois edu Canvas is where class announcements and class FAQs will be located Once logged into Canvas you will see a link that is to be used to help you register and pay for our class Learning Management System called ALEKS aleks com ALEKS is where all class materials exams and assignments will be found for this course The detailed course schedule is provided at the end of this syllabus Exams There will be three Hour Exams three non mandatory Retake Exams and a Final Exam The latter exams will be proctored by the class instructors and are all online exams that require that students bring a laptop or tablet their assigned exam room to take the exam Hour Exam 1 Thursday September 26 at 7 00 pm Non mandatory Retake of Hour Exam 1 Tuesday October 1 at 7 00 pm You must register by the given deadline using the link provided to qualify to take Retake Hour Exam 1 A link for Registration for Retake 1 will become active at 9 am on Friday September 27 and becomes inactive i e you will be unable to sign up to take Retake 1 at 11 59 pm on Sunday September 29 Hour Exam 2 Thursday October 31 at 7 00 pm Non mandatory Retake of Hour Exam 2 Wednesday November 6 at 7 00 pm You must register by the given deadline using the link provided to qualify to take Retake Hour Exam 2 CHEM 102A General Chemistry I Fall 2024 Exams cont d A link for Registration for Retake 2 becomes active at 9 am on Friday November 1 and becomes inactive i e you will be unable to sign up to take Retake 2 at 11 59 pm on Monday November 4 Hour Exam 3 Thursday December 5 at 7 00 pm Non mandatory Retake of Hour Exam 3 Tuesday December 10 at 7 00 pm You must register by the given deadline using the link provided to qualify to take Retake Hour Exam 3 A link for Registration for Retake 3 will become active at 9 am on Friday December 6 and becomes inactive i e you will be unable to sign up to take Retake 3 at 11 59 pm on
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