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MUSEUM GALLERY PROJECT PART 1 Be sure you have read the document Tips On Source Analysis before completing this assignment Once you have chosen your myth you are ready to complete this assignment Please use this Word document and fill in your responses below for each question This takes some thought and preparation before actually writing your responses here and submitting them This is an extensive assignment and should take you several hours I don t recommend you try to do it all at once just before it is due As you choose your sources for this assignment you may realize you would prefer to work on a different myth than the one you first chose At this point you can still choose to change the myth you will work on Save your completed Word document and upload it for your submission Use SAVE AS and name it like this MGP1 your last name docx Your Name Brianna Cruz Acosta Name of Myth you chose If you changed your myth from what you had originally told me please indicate that here by writing NEW and then the name of the myth If you are keeping your original myth give just the name of the myth Theseus and the Minotaur 1 SYNOPSIS 20 points Read about the myth you chose and IN YOUR OWN WORDS write a synopsis of your myth with the most important details what happened who was involved does your textbook present any variations of the same myth So for this retell the story like you are telling a friend about it SYNOPSIS in your own words The story of Theseus and the Minotaur is a classic Greek myth It starts with King Minos of Crete who had a powerful and terrifying creature called the Minotaur The Minotaur was half man half bull and lived in a complex labyrinth designed by Daedalus Every year as a form of tribute Athens had to send seven young men and seven young women to Crete to be sacrificed to the Minotaur Theseus the prince of Athens volunteered to go as one of the tributes with a plan to kill the Minotaur and end the sacrifices When Theseus arrived in Crete Minos daughter Ariadne fell in love with him and decided to help him She gave him a ball of thread which he used to navigate the labyrinth Theseus tied one end of the thread to the entrance and unwound it as he went deeper into the maze He eventually found the Minotaur fought it and managed to kill it Using the thread he retraced his steps and safely exited the labyrinth with the other tributes There are different versions of this myth like some versions where Ariadne is abandoned by Theseus on the island of Naxos and others where she ends up marrying the god Dionysus The core of the story though remains Theseus bravery and cleverness in defeating the Minotaur and ending the cruel tribute 2 CHOOSE 2 WRITTEN SOURCES 30 points Choose two written sources that you think are most interesting from the written source options on the page of sources for your myth in Canvas You need to have a total of exactly 2 written sources for this part 1 of the project For the final PowerPoint at the end of the semester you will also include a 3rd written source to show all 3 that you choose You should not pick sources at random but rather try to pick sources that have differences between them because a main point of this project is to analyze differences If you have very little of substance to say about a source then choose another Using the information provided with each of your sources on the Canvas page complete the following information for each of 2 written sources Written Source 1 Copy of source text Copy and paste the complete text from the Canvas primary sources pages here Diodorus Siculus Library of History 4 77 1 trans Oldfather Greek historian ca 1st c B C Citation Copy and paste the complete citation reference information such as author date etc from the Canvas primary sources page here Ex Homer The Iliad 1 13 14 Greek epic poem C 800 B C Description Describe your source in detail and in your own words in paragraph form below following these prompts You may summarize very briefly to help you contextualize your analysis but writing a summary is NOT the assignment The critical points to include are details such as date and purpose of text description of primary characters who are they what are they doing any other relevant details what characters are missing that you expected to be included given your knowledge of the any important setting information why you think those characters are present and why the others are missing what happens in terms of plot Are there any events in the source that you are surprised are there or others you are surprised are missing why do you think those events are present or missing Consider the date of the text and what that might say about what is written and how it is any other details you think are significant myth written Consider the purpose of the text and how that influences what was told and how is it a personal journal history lesson geography book poem And how could its form and function influence its content Note It is not enough to say they were written at different times so they are different that is a given so think about the why possible intent behind of each difference you find Why are some aspects always included and why do some seem optional Why would an author choose to include the optional aspects This source text seems to be explaining the origin of the Minotaur It provides a backstory to the myth focusing on Pasiphae the wife of King Minos and her unnatural love for the Cretan Bull This version of the myth is interesting because it delves into the reasons behind the birth of the Minotaur which is not always covered in every telling of the story The text also seems to be from an ancient source possibly a mythological or historical account and its purpose is to explain the origins and reasons behind the myth The primary characters here are Pasiphae who is driven by a curse to fall in love with the bull and Daedalus the brilliant inventor who helps her by creating a wooden cow contraption King Minos is also mentioned as the one who angered Poseidon by not sacrificing the best bull which led to the curse Interestingly this account doesn t include Theseus Ariadne or the actual events of Theseus defeating the Minotaur Given the myth s full story you d expect Theseus and Ariadne to be mentioned but this text focuses solely on the origins of the Minotaur This absence might be because the text aims to explain the cause and not the solution of the myth The setting is Crete specifically the court of

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