Python Syllabus

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Python Syllabus 1 Introduction to Python Overview of Python Installation and setup Python IDEs e g PyCharm VSCode Jupyter Notebook Writing and executing your first Python program 2 Basic Syntax and Data Types Variables and data types integers floats strings booleans Basic operations arithmetic comparison logical String manipulation Input and output using input print 3 Control Structures Conditional statements if elif else Loops for while Loop control statements break continue pass 6 Modules and Packages Importing modules Creating your own modules Using Python standard libraries e g math random datetime Introduction to packages e g pip 4 Functions Defining and calling functions Function parameters and return values Scope of variables local vs global Lambda functions 5 Data Structures Lists Creation indexing slicing and methods Tuples Creation properties and methods Dictionaries Key value pairs methods and iteration Sets Creation operations and methods 7 File Handling Reading from and writing to files Working with file modes r w a r Handling exceptions with file operations 8 Error and Exception Handling Understanding exceptions Using try except finally blocks Raising exceptions 9 Object Oriented Programming OOP Classes and objects Attributes and methods Inheritance and polymorphism Encapsulation and abstraction 10 Advanced Topics List comprehensions and generator expressions Decorators and context managers Iterators and the iter function Regular expressions with the re module 11 Working with Libraries and Frameworks Introduction to popular libraries NumPy for numerical computations pandas for data analysis Matplotlib and Seaborn for data visualization Flask or Django for web development 12 Data Science and Machine Learning Optional Basics of data analysis and manipulation Introduction to machine learning concepts Using scikit learn for simple ML models 13 Web Development Optional Basics of web applications Creating RESTful APIs with Flask Understanding HTML and CSS for front end development 14 Final Projects Developing a project that incorporates learned concepts Presenting and sharing the project Additional Resources Recommended books online courses and tutorials Python community and forums for support This syllabus provides a structured path to learning Python covering foundational concepts and allowing for specialization in areas like data science or web development Feel free to adjust it based on your interests and goals You said

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