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Make a copy of this Google Doc Rename the copy with your last name and FW 221 Seek iNat Ex Pacifici FW 221 Seek iNat Click Share in the top left and change permissions to Anyone with Link Editor under General Access This will allow your TA to insert your grade in the grading rubric after you submit it Copy and Paste the link into your assignment submission The completed assignment must be submitted on Moodle by October 18 Citizen Science Assignment Seek and iNaturalist in the Classroom Purpose Expose students to the natural world around them using Seek and iNaturalist applications to highlight both the fun and the utility of the apps and encourage future use and involvement in Citizen Science Introduction This is a two part assignment that engages students in different aspects of citizen science The Seek app allows students to explore their environment and learn more about the species they encounter For those who enjoy the experience and are interested in further naturalist explorations they may continue using Seek or even transition to submitting observations to iNaturalist The second part of the assignment leads students through analysis of iNaturalist data so they can learn more about pollinator species while also recognizing the utility of citizen science data Objectives 1 Use the Seek App to identify species and classify them 2 Analyze iNaturalist data to answer questions about bees 3 Reflect on the experience of using Seek and iNaturalist and the role of Citizen Science in conservation PART 1 Seek Exploration The purpose of this assignment is to explore nature and investigate the species present in different settings Objectives 1 Observe 5 different plant species on campus 2 3 Determine whether each species is native or non native Identify each plant species using the Seek app Complete the Following Steps 1 Download the Seek App 2 Use the Seek App to make 5 observations of different plant species anywhere on campus 3 Record the date location scientific name native status and an interesting fact about each of the five species in the table below 4 Answer the reflection questions listed after the table Make a copy of this Google Doc Rename the copy with your last name and FW 221 Seek iNat Ex Pacifici FW 221 Seek iNat Click Share in the top left and change permissions to Anyone with Link Editor under General Access This will allow your TA to insert your grade in the grading rubric after you submit it Copy and Paste the link into your assignment submission The completed assignment must be submitted on Moodle by October 18 Date Location Species observed Native or One interesting fact non native Honey Suckle Native 10 12 10 12 Greek village Greek village Bamboo 10 13 Brickyard Northern Maidenhair fern Native Native The berries of honeysuckles are toxic Bamboo is the fastest growing plant The maidenhair has multiple benefits for growing for example it may help when it comes to antibacterial antifungal wound healing anti asthmatic and anti inflammatory issues It is known as the turkey foot because of the way its seeds spread like the toes of a turkey The sap of this plant is poisonous to humans and dogs 10 17 Centennial Blue Stem Native 10 17 Centennial Eastern Bluestar Non native Reflection Questions 1 Did you find more native or non native plants Are there places on campus would you expect to find more native plants Why I found more native plants I would expect to find more around the main part of campus because we most likely planted most of them 2 What was this data collection experience like for you What did you learn What did you like or dislike about it I thought the data collection experiment was very interesting This was my first time using this app and I thought it was very cool how it was able to immediately tell me the species of the plants 3 When you begin getting comfortable with identifying species in certain taxa the iNaturalist app allows your species observations to be used for scientific research What Make a copy of this Google Doc Rename the copy with your last name and FW 221 Seek iNat Ex Pacifici FW 221 Seek iNat Click Share in the top left and change permissions to Anyone with Link Editor under General Access This will allow your TA to insert your grade in the grading rubric after you submit it Copy and Paste the link into your assignment submission The completed assignment must be submitted on Moodle by October 18 are some of the benefits and or pitfalls of species observation data collected by the public There are both benefits and pitfalls when it comes to public data collection The benefits of public collected species observation data include its widespread coverage and contribution to scientific knowledge The pitfalls may involve potential biases and data quality issues Grading Rubric for your reference Criteria Lacking Content One or more observation is absent OR One or more reflection question is blank 0 2 points Style Several grammar or spelling mistakes 0 2 points TOTAL PART 2 iNaturalist Data Analysis Approaching Achieving One exploration is incomplete inaccurate or One reflection question is not thorough 3 points All 5 explorations are complete All reflection questions are thoroughly answered 5 points One or two grammar or spelling mistakes 3 points All grammar and spelling is correct 5 points 9 10 Exploring Bumblebee Diversity and Distribution on the Citizen Science Platform iNaturalist Adapted from Karin R Gastreich Avila University Department of Biology karin gastreich avila edu Introduction The growth of citizen science projects has allowed scientists and nonscientists alike to contribute to our understanding the natural world Through citizen science projects you can participate in building large public data bases that can be used by anyone the world including you Citizen science data is often used to explore the status of wild populations and make important management decisions that can contribute to conservation Theobald et al 2015 Sullivan et al 2017 In this lab we will look at a popular citizen science platform iNaturalist Members of iNaturalist take photos of organisms and upload those photos from all over the world for identification by experts iNaturalist is an open forum that accepts reports of all taxa from insects to birds to Make a copy of this Google Doc Rename the copy with your last name and FW 221 Seek iNat Ex Pacifici FW 221 Seek iNat Click Share in the top left and change permissions to Anyone with Link Editor under General

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NCSU FW 311 - Citizen Science Assignment

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