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Assessment 2 Technology Needs Assessment Summary Prof Name Student Name August 08 2024 Capella University and Implementation Plan NURS FPX 6416 Managing the Nursing Informatics Life Cycle OnlineClassAssignment com Do you need Help to complete your Capella Uni MSN FlexPath Class in 1 Billing Email Us contact OnlineClassAssignment com Website OnlineClassAssignment com For Free MSN Sample OnlineClassAssignment com free Sample Evaluation and Strategy for Technological Advancement in Healthcare Introduction As healthcare technology continues to evolve rapidly it is essential for organizations to regularly review their technological infrastructure to ensure alignment with strategic goals and optimize performance This document outlines an Assessment Summary and Strategic Plan for Technological Advancement at Vila Wellbeing with the primary objectives of improving healthcare delivery enhancing patient outcomes and boosting operational e ciency OnlineClassAssignment com Technology Assessment Overview Evaluation of Current Systems A thorough assessment of the existing technological infrastructure including hardware software and network systems was conducted to determine how effectively the current setup supports healthcare processes Stakeholder Input Feedback from key stakeholders including healthcare providers administrators and IT personnel was gathered to identify challenges and technological needs Opportunities to leverage technology for enhanced stakeholder satisfaction and streamlined work ows were also explored External Factors Review A comprehensive analysis of external in uences such as regulatory changes industry trends and advancements in healthcare technology was carried out to assess their impact on Vila Wellbeing s technological landscape Do you need Help to complete your Capella Uni MSN FlexPath Class in 1 Billing Email Us contact OnlineClassAssignment com Website OnlineClassAssignment com For Free MSN Sample OnlineClassAssignment com free Sample Identi cation of Gaps and Challenges Key areas where the current technology infrastructure falls short or presents ine ciencies were identi ed Challenges that healthcare professionals and administrators face when using existing systems to provide optimal patient care were also evaluated Implementation Strategy Health Information System Upgrades A major upgrade to the health information system is planned to address the gaps identi ed during the assessment These improvements will enhance patient tracking communication and data accessibility Introduction of Remote Patient Monitoring RPM and Patient Portals RPM technologies will be implemented to improve patient care especially in response to the ongoing impact of the COVID 19 pandemic Patient portals will be introduced to empower patients to manage their care boost satisfaction and allow for early detection of healthcare needs Training for Technological Pro ciency Comprehensive training programs will be provided to healthcare staff to ensure they can effectively utilize new technologies including RPM systems patient portals and other system upgrades Enhancement of Work ow and Communication RPM applications will be integrated into the computers and mobile devices used by healthcare professionals Customized messaging systems tailored to patient pro les will be introduced to improve communication and support Centralized Data Management A centralized data storage system such as a patient portal will be created to simplify data management for both healthcare providers and patients minimizing the need to use multiple systems and improving overall e ciency Ongoing Outcome Evaluation The effectiveness of the newly implemented technologies in improving patient outcomes enhancing healthcare work ows and boosting organizational performance will be continuously monitored The strategy will be adjusted based on ongoing evaluations and feedback OnlineClassAssignment com Conclusion The Assessment and Strategic Plan for Technological Advancement at Vila Wellbeing is designed to tackle existing challenges adopt cutting edge technologies and enhance the healthcare experience for both professionals and patients By implementing these strategies and offering targeted training Vila Wellbeing is poised to become a leader in technology enabled healthcare delivery Do you need Help to complete your Capella Uni MSN FlexPath Class in 1 Billing Email Us contact OnlineClassAssignment com Website OnlineClassAssignment com For Free MSN Sample OnlineClassAssignment com free Sample References Annis T Pleasants S Hultman G Lindemann E Thompson J A Billecke S Badlani S Melton G B 2020 Rapid implementation of a COVID 19 remote patient monitoring program Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 27 8 1326 1330 https doi org 10 1093 jamia ocaa097 Leon M A Pannunzio V Kleinsmann M 2022 The impact of perioperative Remote Patient Monitoring on clinical staff work ows Scoping review JMIR Human Factors 9 2 e37204 https doi org 10 2196 37204 Chu D Lessard D Laymouna M A Engler K Schuster T Ma Y Kron i N Routy J P Hijal T Lacombe K Sheehan N Rougier H Lebouch B 2022 Understanding the risks and bene ts of a patient portal con gured for HIV care Patient and healthcare professional perspectives Journal of Personalized Medicine 12 2 314 https doi org 10 3390 jpm12020314 Farias F A C de Dagostini C M Bicca Y de A Falavigna V F Falavigna A 2019 Remote Patient Monitoring A systematic review Telemedicine and E Health 26 5 https doi org 10 1089 tmj 2019 0066 Malasinghe L P Ramzan N Dahal K 2018 Remote patient monitoring a comprehensive study Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing 10 1 57 76 https doi org 10 1007 s12652 018 0598 x OnlineClassAssignment com Do you need Help to complete your Capella Uni MSN FlexPath Class in 1 Billing Email Us contact OnlineClassAssignment com Website OnlineClassAssignment com For Free MSN Sample OnlineClassAssignment com free Sample

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CAPELLA NURS FPX 6416 - Assessment 2 Technology Needs Assessment

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