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Prof Name Student Name August 08 2024 Capella University Stakeholders NURS FPX 6416 Managing the Nursing Informatics Life Cycle Assessment 1 Needs Assessment Meeting with OnlineClassAssignment com Do you need Help to complete your Capella Uni MSN FlexPath Class in 1 Billing Email Us contact OnlineClassAssignment com Website OnlineClassAssignment com For Free MSN Sample OnlineClassAssignment com free Sample Analysis and Evaluation of Stakeholder Feedback Hello I m Nathaniel a Nursing Informatics Specialist and Project Lead at Vila Wellbeing Recently we conducted a meeting with ve key stakeholders to evaluate our current health information system and gather their feedback on potential improvements This summary outlines the key points discussed the meeting outcomes and the planned adjustments to enhance our system OnlineClassAssignment com Assessment of Current and Desired Data System Conditions During the meeting stakeholders voiced concerns about challenges faced by nursing staff and healthcare providers with the current health information system One key issue identi ed was the di culty in patient tracking which could potentially jeopardize patient safety Additionally the system s lack of effective two way communication with patients has resulted in treatment delays While the system has its bene ts such as cost management and improved data access stakeholders agreed that speci c enhancements could signi cantly elevate the quality of patient care within our facility Identi cation and Mitigation of Risks A major concern raised by the healthcare professionals was the absence of remote patient monitoring RPM and patient portals in our system The COVID 19 pandemic has ampli ed these challenges particularly in rural areas affecting the triage process Do you need Help to complete your Capella Uni MSN FlexPath Class in 1 Billing Email Us contact OnlineClassAssignment com Website OnlineClassAssignment com For Free MSN Sample OnlineClassAssignment com free Sample Nurses also highlighted di culties in providing continuous care for chronic conditions like diabetes and hypertension due to the lack of RPM De ning Optimal Data System Practices Research underscores the critical role of RPM particularly in emergencies such as the COVID 19 pandemic in ensuring continuity of care and enhancing patient outcomes Patient portals are also essential for improving patient self management and satisfaction allowing for early detection of potential issues Utilization of Technology All stakeholders unanimously supported the integration of RPM applications into the devices used in our healthcare setting ensuring easy access to patient portals This will facilitate more e cient healthcare delivery and improve patient care E cient Data Collection Centralizing data storage through patient portals will save time for both healthcare providers and patients by reducing the need to navigate multiple systems thereby improving overall work ow e ciency Enhancing Work ow and Communication Incorporating RPM technologies is anticipated to streamline work ows by providing better patient support and improving connectivity Personalized messaging based on patient pro les will enhance patient engagement and reassurance Additionally the implementation of RPM can yield nancial bene ts by improving process e ciency and boosting staff productivity OnlineClassAssignment com Impact on Practice and Outcomes Given the ongoing global health challenges and the aging population RPM offers a promising solution to extend healthcare beyond traditional settings This approach is particularly bene cial for managing chronic conditions and supporting elderly patients providing a transformative method for patient monitoring Conclusion The current COVID 19 pandemic underscores the need for incorporating evidence based RPM technologies into healthcare systems RPM has signi cant potential in both pre and post hospital care ensuring continuity of treatment and ultimately improving patient outcomes Do you need Help to complete your Capella Uni MSN FlexPath Class in 1 Billing Email Us contact OnlineClassAssignment com Website OnlineClassAssignment com For Free MSN Sample OnlineClassAssignment com free Sample References Annis T et al 2020 Rapid implementation of a COVID 19 remote patient monitoring program Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 27 8 1326 1330 Chu D et al 2022 Understanding the risks and bene ts of a patient portal con gured for HIV care Patient and healthcare professional perspectives Journal of Personalized Medicine 12 2 314 Farias F A C de et al 2019 Remote Patient Monitoring A systematic review Telemedicine and E Health 26 5 Malasinghe L P et al 2018 Remote patient monitoring a comprehensive study Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing 10 1 57 76 Leon M A et al 2022 The impact of perioperative Remote Patient Monitoring on clinical staff work ows Scoping review JMIR Human Factors 9 2 e37204 Milella F et al 2021 Change and innovation in healthcare ndings from literature ClinicoEconomics and Outcomes Research Volume 13 395 408 Michaud T L et al 2018 Remote Patient Monitoring and clinical outcomes for postdischarge patients with type 2 diabetes Population Health Management 21 5 387 394 OnlineClassAssignment com Noah B et al 2018 Impact of remote patient monitoring on clinical outcomes an updated meta analysis of randomized controlled trials Npj Digital Medicine 1 1 Do you need Help to complete your Capella Uni MSN FlexPath Class in 1 Billing Email Us contact OnlineClassAssignment com Website OnlineClassAssignment com For Free MSN Sample OnlineClassAssignment com free Sample

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CAPELLA NURS FPX 6416 - Assessment 1 Needs Assessment Meeting with Stakeholders

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