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Prof Name Course Name Student Name Capella University August 04 2024 Assessment 3 Business Case for Change OnlineClassAssignment com Do you need Help to complete your Capella Uni MSN FlexPath Class in 1 Billing Email Us contact OnlineClassAssignment com Website OnlineClassAssignment com For Free MSN Sample OnlineClassAssignment com free Sample The Economic Challenge in Healthcare and Its Consequences Introduction The economic challenges of healthcare extend far beyond nancial burdens in uencing not only individuals but also healthcare providers organizations and entire communities The lack of affordable health insurance has wide ranging effects on health outcomes productivity and economic stability McKinsey 2022 OnlineClassAssignment com Impact on Individuals Limited insurance coverage often results in nancial hardships and restricted access to essential healthcare services for individuals This in turn affects organizations which may face increased healthcare expenses and reduced productivity as employees miss work due to illness or resort to costly emergency care In communities lacking preventive healthcare the spread of infectious diseases may increase along with a decline in economic productivity and a rise in healthcare costs Financial Burdens and Healthcare Access Without adequate insurance individuals may experience signi cant nancial strain and limited access to healthcare Peng Zhu 2021 Many are forced to pay medical expenses out of pocket a burden that is especially heavy for those with chronic conditions This nancial pressure often causes delays in seeking care or avoidance of Do you need Help to complete your Capella Uni MSN FlexPath Class in 1 Billing Email Us contact OnlineClassAssignment com Website OnlineClassAssignment com For Free MSN Sample OnlineClassAssignment com free Sample medical treatment altogether which can result in worsened health over time Peng Zhu 2021 Organizational Impact Organizations face escalating healthcare costs often needing to absorb expenses for uninsured individuals which can drive up insurance premiums for employees Karpman et al 2021 Additionally reduced productivity remains a concern as uninsured workers are more likely to take sick leave or resort to costly emergency care further negatively affecting productivity Feasibility and Cost Bene t Analysis Perspective of the World Health Organization The World Health Organization WHO underscores the signi cant economic toll healthcare challenges impose and emphasizes the need to improve access to essential services reduce costs and boost productivity through affordable health insurance WHO 2019 Universal access to affordable healthcare is critical regardless of income or social status Considerations of Feasibility Addressing the economic challenge of affordable healthcare insurance involves evaluating feasibility and conducting a cost bene t analysis This includes assessing political and economic conditions as well as available resources Illinois Government 2021 The Affordable Care Act ACA provides a case study demonstrating that although healthcare access expanded political opposition and challenges in implementation remained Campbell Shore Sheppard 2020 OnlineClassAssignment com Cost Bene t Analysis Implementing affordable healthcare insurance requires signi cant initial investment but the long term bene ts include reduced healthcare costs and better health outcomes King 2020 The ACA for example led to a reduction in uncompensated care costs for the uninsured showcasing potential savings Karpman et al 2021 Furthermore expanding preventive services has proven cost effective supporting the argument for affordable healthcare solutions Mitigating Financial Risks To address nancial risks in healthcare organizations the following strategies can be implemented Do you need Help to complete your Capella Uni MSN FlexPath Class in 1 Billing Email Us contact OnlineClassAssignment com Website OnlineClassAssignment com For Free MSN Sample OnlineClassAssignment com free Sample Enhance Cost Management Improving cost control by negotiating lower prices for services and increasing e ciency in healthcare delivery can ease nancial strain Sturmberg Bircher 2019 Diversify Revenue Streams Seeking alternative sources of revenue such as grants or partnerships can provide stability and reduce reliance on fee for service models Kosala Heengama 2019 Implement Risk Management Strategies Developing contingency plans for unexpected events such as pandemics can help organizations manage nancial risks more effectively Auditboard 2021 Affordable Healthcare Insurance Solutions Expanding Medicaid Expanding Medicaid coverage to include more individuals Several solutions can address the economic challenge of affordable healthcare insurance Support from Evidence Based Research Evidence supports these strategies Studies in healthcare nance con rm that cost management and revenue diversi cation are effective in improving nancial performance Truong 2022 Carney 2020 The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality also highlights the importance of risk management in healthcare settings Sturmberg Bircher 2019 OnlineClassAssignment com Implementation and Potential Bene ts Implementing these solutions could yield substantial bene ts for organizations employees and communities Lower healthcare costs improved employee productivity and enhanced nancial stability are potential outcomes for organizations Employees and communities would bene t from better healthcare access reduced nancial burdens and improved health Addressing Prescription Drug Costs Reducing prescription drug prices through transparency lower cost imports and regulation of pharmaceutical companies could make medications more affordable KFF 2019 affordable plans through a government run program increasing competition improving access and reducing overall costs Rapfogel Calsyn 2021 has been effective in improving healthcare access and reducing costs for low income populations Graves et al 2020 Implementing a Public Option A public insurance option could provide Do you need Help to complete your Capella Uni MSN FlexPath Class in 1 Billing Email Us contact OnlineClassAssignment com Website OnlineClassAssignment com For Free MSN Sample OnlineClassAssignment com free Sample Addressing Cultural and Ethical Considerations Addressing affordable healthcare insurance requires sensitivity to cultural ethical and equitable concerns Cultural awareness is critical given the diverse

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