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Prof Name Course Name Student Name Capella University Assessment 4 Self Assessment of Leadership Collaboration and Ethics OnlineClassAssignment com August 03 2024 Do you need Help to complete your Capella Uni MSN FlexPath Class in 1 Billing Email Us contact OnlineClassAssignment com Website OnlineClassAssignment com For Free MSN Sample OnlineClassAssignment com free Sample Self Assessment of Leadership Collaboration and Ethical Conduct OnlineClassAssignment com Re ections on Leadership and Collaboration As the marketing supervisor for the Houston branch of XYZ Pharmaceuticals Ltd I led a team of eleven in promoting an innovative u treatment I implemented a participatory leadership style which focused on actively engaging the team and encouraging collaboration across departments such as sales nance and research and development Our decision making process was a combination of analytical and interpersonal methods utilizing data analysis alongside extensive consultation with team members This balanced approach was instrumental in the project s success We maintained assertive communication through an open door policy that enhanced transparency and strengthened team cohesion To foster greater teamwork we introduced a team based incentive program aligned with our shared objectives Though initially met with resistance we addressed these concerns through one on one discussions workshops mentoring and training This experience underscored the importance of understanding team dynamics and promoting active engagement to achieve our project goals Addressing an Ethical Challenge While working as a healthcare administrator I encountered an ethical dilemma Do you need Help to complete your Capella Uni MSN FlexPath Class in 1 Billing Email Us contact OnlineClassAssignment com Website OnlineClassAssignment com For Free MSN Sample OnlineClassAssignment com free Sample regarding a new u medication priced beyond the means of many who needed it Ethical principles like fairness and non male cence were at odds with the nancial goals of the project In response I applied the LEADS framework to assemble a committee focused on nding viable solutions Through outsourcing research and development and exploring more affordable alternatives we were able to lower the cost of the medication This solution balanced ethical considerations with nancial objectives ensuring the product was accessible to the intended population Conclusion Effective leadership is a blend of strong leadership skills sound decision making clear communication successful collaboration and adherence to ethical standards A leader s ability to inspire their team and navigate ethical challenges is essential for ful lling their responsibilities to both the organization and the team Following a well de ned ethical framework sets a benchmark for the entire team reinforcing the importance of ethical decision making in leadership roles OnlineClassAssignment com Do you need Help to complete your Capella Uni MSN FlexPath Class in 1 Billing Email Us contact OnlineClassAssignment com Website OnlineClassAssignment com For Free MSN Sample OnlineClassAssignment com free Sample References Azeska A Starc J Kevereski L 2017 Styles of decision making and management and dimensions of personality of school principals International Journal of Cognitive Research in Science Engineering and Education 5 2 Link Bocar A C 2017 Aggressive passive and assertive Which communication style is commonly used by college students SSRN Electronic Journal Link Levitt D 2014 Ethical decision making in a caring environment The four principles and LEADS Healthcare Management Forum 27 2 105 107 Link Kaleem Y Asad S Khan H 2016 Leadership styles using appropriate styles in different circumstances Retrieved from Link Gomez Mejia L R Franco Santos M 2015 Creating a culture of collaboration innovation and performance through team based incentives In Berger L Berger D Eds The Compensation Handbook p 199 203 Retrieved from Link OnlineClassAssignment com Do you need Help to complete your Capella Uni MSN FlexPath Class in 1 Billing Email Us contact OnlineClassAssignment com Website OnlineClassAssignment com For Free MSN Sample OnlineClassAssignment com free Sample

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