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Summer Semester 2020 Macroeconomics Study Guide for Test 01 Units 01 through 07 mid term exam From the course syllabus There will be two tests during the semester a midterm and a final The format will be multiple choice questions Tests will be open book notes homework you may have access to the online textbooks Please obey the honor code and do not seek help from nor give help to other students this is expected of Oakton students You may use a calculator Each test will be worth 115 points A study guide will be provided before each test this document In general tests will not be cumulative and will cover just the immediately preceding material You will have a window of roughly three days in which to take the test during the week the test occurs If you think you will have a conflict please contact me as soon as possible Administration of the test o This test will be administered like the unit reading quizzes with which you are familiar The difference will be more questions and the test will be timed You will have 2 hours to complete the test This should be enough test if you work at a steady pace A timer will be displayed please be aware of it You will have 70 questions roughly 10 from each unit You will only have one attempt on this test o All questions will be multiple choice Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question o You will have a window of roughly three days from Friday 9 00 am 03 July to Monday 6 00 pm 06 July to take this mid term Please plan accordingly o Log on to D2L and click on the Quizzes Exam tab You will see the mid term exam Before you start have any material you plan to use readily available such as student notes the online textbooks etc Find a place and time free of distractions o Please obey the honor code and do not seek help from nor give help to other students this is expected of Oakton students Studying for the test o I would recommend spending some time how much is your call reviewing the following prior to the test homework exercises student lecture notes your notes Perhaps briefly review the openstax textbook there are end of chapter summaries and vocabulary things to keep in your mind If you missed looking at some of the videos from the unit this might be a good time to view them o Expect to see multiple choice questions similar to the ones in your reading quizzes although they will not reference any particular section of a textbook Most questions will come from various publisher s test banks o Please feel free to contact me with any questions before the test I will be available via zoom or phone email to set up a time The units covered on the test will be Unit 01 The Capitalist Revolution Unit 02 Choice in a World of Scarcity Unit 03 Supply and Demand Unit 04 Gross Domestic Product Unit 05 Jobs and Unemployment Unit 06 Cost of Living and Inflation Unit 07 Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply

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UIUC ECON 103 - Study Guide - Midterm Test 01

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