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1 What is E marketing E marketing means using digital technologies such as websites mobile devices and social networking to help reach your customers create awareness of your brand and sell your goods or services 2 List Out Buying motive a wide range of factors such as the desire for certain products or services based on their suitability appearance safety treatment or experiences 3 who are middlemen 4 what is Dual pricing 5 what is chain store A person or organization that makes a profit by trading in goods as an intermediary between the producer and the consumer Dual pricing is the practice of setting different prices in different markets for the same product or service A chain store is a store that is part of a larger group of stores that all have the same name offers the same products or services and often share the same overall management 6 Explain relationship between marketing Production 7 Explain the term skimmed pricing Unpenetration Pricing A company enters the market with a higher initial price than their competitors then lowers it as demand decreases Penetration pricing A company enters the market with a lower initial price than their competitors then raises it after their customer base is established a pricing strategy that sets new product prices high and subsequently lowers them as competitors enter the market Skim pricing is the opposite of penetration pricing which prices newly launched products low to build a big Pricing is a process of fixing the value that a manufacturer will receive in the exchange of services and goods Pricing method is exercised to adjust the cost of the producer s offerings suitable to both the manufacturer and the customer 8 Explain various of theories of buying behaviour The fundamental studies of consumer behaviour establish the groundwork for quantitative studies that examine both the theories that already exist and the latest trends in consumer behaviour The study focuses on how consumers decide what to buy and how they make those decisions The purpose of this study is to comprehend how consumers make judgments about what to buy for personal use In addition it explores the basic research on consumer buying behaviour models of consumer buying behaviour factors affecting buying behaviour categories of consumer buying behaviour and consumer decision making processes Secondary sources such as databases reputable publications books websites and so on were used to acquire the information Consequently the study summarizes the research on consumer behaviour for simpler understanding and helps in creating the research topic If you re interested in marketing this form of research may help you better understand your consumers needs and preferences Sheth Howard Model of Buying Behavior The Howard Sheth model of consumer behavior posits that the buyer s journey is a highly rational and methodical decision making process In this model customers put on a problem solving hat every step of the way with different variables influencing the course of the journey 9 Distinguish btw wholesaler Retailer

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Columbia University BUSI B9803 - Marketing Notes

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