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Dr Yasmin Patell Name Chapter 4 Chemical Bonding Molecular Geometries Chemistry I Sections 4 1 4 5 Problem Solving Worksheet Please answer all questions in the space provided 1 Write Lewis dot symbols for each of the following atoms and ions a Ar b Ca c Br d As e Li f Cl g Sr2 h N3 Name the following ionic compounds Na2O CaBr2 LiNO3 NH4 2SO4 NiCO3 MnO2 Write the formulas for the following ionic compounds potassium iodide magnesium nitride sodium nitrate calcium sulfide iron III oxide copper II sulfate Name the following molecular compounds PF3 SO2 N2O5 P2S3 Write the formulas for the following molecular compounds nitrogen trifluoride carbon disulfide sulfur hexafluoride carbon monoxide 2 3 4 5 Chapter 4 Problem Solving Worksheet Dr Yasmin Patell 6 Draw Lewis structures for each of the following molecules and ions CS2 SO3 NF3 AsO4 3 BrO3 ICl2 SiF5 SeF4 BrF3 XeF2 PF6 SF5 XeF4 HCO2 2 Chapter 4 Problem Solving Worksheet Dr Yasmin Patell 7 Arrange the following bonds in order of increasing polarity A B C D E C C C N C O C F C F C O C N C C C C C F C N C O C O C N C F C C C F C N C C C O Arrange the following atoms in the expected order of decreasing electronegativity Ba Be Ca Ga Ge Se Calculate the formal charge for each atom and identify the best Lewis structure for Cl2O A B C D E 10 Which of the following molecules include a central atom that does not obey the I BH3 II NO2 III XeF4 IV NF3 octet rule A B C D E I only II and IV only I II and III only I III and IV only IV only 3 8 9

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K-State CHM 210 - Chapter 4: Chemical Bonding & Molecular Geometries

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