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Assessment 4 Case Presentation Student Name Capella University Course Name Prof Name June 11 2024 Do you need Help to complete your Capella Uni MSN FlexPath Class in 1 Billing Email Us Contact bsnwritingservices com Website BSNWritingservices com For Free MSN Sample BSNWritingservices com free Sample Slide 1 Slide 2 Hi I m Your Name and I will introduce the case study of a patient named Mrs Snyder The importance of case studies in healthcare lies in their ability to provide concise and accurate information about a patient s medical history These studies offer Do you need Help to complete your Capella Uni MSN FlexPath Class in 1 Billing Email Us Contact bsnwritingservices com Website BSNWritingservices com For Free MSN Sample BSNWritingservices com free Sample comprehensive insights into the patient s condition diagnosis potential health issues and treatment options Incorporating real patient scenarios makes case studies valuable for tracking patient progress and reference Hinchliffe et al 2020 Today the focus will be on transitional patient care and how multidisciplinary teams can collaborate to ensure optimal treatment Transitional care in healthcare involves addressing the needs of patients as they move between healthcare settings This is crucial to safeguard the patient s well being during transitions Daliri et al 2019 In the case of Mrs Snyder a 56 year old patient facing critical health issues the discussion centers on her transfer from one medical center to another The goal of continuing care is to provide quality treatment while respecting Mrs Snyder s religious and cultural beliefs Stakeholders play an essential role in determining the quality of care and well being of a patient Lianov et al 2020 In Mrs Snyder s case healthcare professionals involved in her transfer must ensure a seamless process that considers her Jewish background Meeting Mrs Snyder s needs according to her religious and cultural values including providing Kosher food is crucial for comprehensive care Continuous care involves identifying the patient s and family s medical records to understand the root causes of health issues Pervjakova et al 2022 Accurate patient assessment and thorough documentation are essential components of continuous care to guide effective treatment Mrs Snyder s health issues including ovarian cancer diabetes hyperglycemia weight gain and stress require a detailed patient assessment for effective transitional treatment Her unique circumstances such as undergoing chemotherapy and her cultural and religious beliefs further emphasize the need for a tailored care plan Slide 3 Slide 4 Slide 5 Slide 6 Do you need Help to complete your Capella Uni MSN FlexPath Class in 1 Billing Email Us Contact bsnwritingservices com Website BSNWritingservices com For Free MSN Sample BSNWritingservices com free Sample The inter professional care team responsible for Mrs Snyder includes endocrinologists cardiologists oncologists and nurses This collaboration ensures adherence to treatment guidelines and addresses Mrs Snyder s complex medical needs Various factors such as economic conditions lifestyle and social surroundings can impact patient outcomes Chung et al 2020 It is crucial to consider Mrs Snyder s religious dietary restrictions and unstable family situation in providing care Areas of Uncertainties Nurses must be adequately trained to handle the uncertainties in caring for critically ill patients like Mrs Snyder Chung et al 2020 Effective care for Mrs Snyder requires multiple resources including frequent monitoring of blood pressure and sugar levels adherence to a healthy diet proper diabetes treatment daily exercise and assistance with daily activities Slide 7 Slide 8 Slide 9 Slide 10 Slide 11 In conclusion Mrs Snyder s complex health issues require a transfer to another healthcare facility A well structured transitional care plan guided by respect for her religious and cultural beliefs is critical for providing optimal treatment Key initiatives can improve patient care and reduce mortality rates The commitment of healthcare providers to address patients individual needs is paramount Do you need Help to complete your Capella Uni MSN FlexPath Class in 1 Billing Email Us Contact bsnwritingservices com Website BSNWritingservices com For Free MSN Sample BSNWritingservices com free Sample References Ansa B E Zechariah S Gates A M Johnson S W Heboyan V De Leo G 2020 Attitudes and behavior towards interprofessional collaboration among healthcare professionals in a large academic medical center Healthcare 8 3 323 https doi org 10 3390 healthcare8030323 Asmirajanti M Hamid A Y S Hariyati Rr T S 2019 Nursing Care Activities Based on Documentation BMC Nursing 18 1 https doi org 10 1186 s12912 019 0352 0 Chung G K K Dong D Wong S Y S Wong H Chung R Y N 2020 Perceived poverty and health and their roles in the poverty health vicious cycle A qualitative study of major stakeholders in the healthcare setting in Hong Kong International Journal for Equity in Health 19 1 https doi org 10 1186 s12939 020 1127 7 Daliri S Hugtenburg J G ter Riet G van den Bemt B J F Buurman B M Scholte op Reimer W J M van Buul Gast M C Karapinar arkit F 2019 The effect of a pharmacy led transitional care program on medication related problems post discharge A before After prospective study Plos One 14 3 0213593 https doi org 10 1371 journal pone 0213593 Demir S Nawroth P P Herzig S Ekim st nel B 2021 Emerging targets in type 2 diabetes and diabetic complications Advanced Science 8 18 2100275 https doi org 10 1002 advs 202100275 Hinchliffe R J Forsythe R O Apelqvist J Boyko E J Fitridge R Hong J P Katsanos K Mills J L Nikol S Reekers J Venermo M Zierler R E Schaper N C 2020 Guidelines on diagnosis prognosis and management of peripheral artery disease in patients with foot ulcers and diabetes IWGDF 2019 update Diabetes Metabolism Research and Reviews 36 1 https doi org 10 1002 dmrr 3276 Howell D Mayer D K Fielding R Eicher M Verdonck de Leeuw I M Johansen C Soto Perez de Celis E Foster C Chan R Alfano C M Hudson S V Jefford M Lam W W T Loerzel V Pravettoni G Rammant E Schapira L Stein K D Koczwara B 2020 Management of cancer and health after the clinic visit A call to action for self management in cancer care JNCI Journal of the National Cancer Institute https doi org 10 1093 jnci djaa083 Do you need Help to complete your Capella Uni MSN FlexPath Class in 1 Billing Email Us Contact bsnwritingservices com Website BSNWritingservices

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CAPELLA NURS FPX 6610 - Assessment 4 Case Presentation

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